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functional.sty | 4138B | -rw-r--r-- |
1 \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}[1994/06/01] 2 \ProvidesPackage{functional} 3 [2020/09/10 1.0.0 Usefull definitions for Category Theory] 4 5 \RequirePackage{amssymb} 6 \RequirePackage{amsmath} % For the \DeclareMathOperator 7 \RequirePackage{extarrows} % For \xlongrightarrow 8 \RequirePackage{xfrac} % For \sfrac 9 \RequirePackage{relsize} % For \mathlarger 10 11 % Define symbols for categories 12 \newcommand{\categoryname}[1]{\ensuremath{\mathbf{#1}}} 13 \newcommand{\newcategory}[2]{\newcommand{#1}{\categoryname{#2}}} 14 \newcommand{\renewcategory}[2]{\renewcommand{#1}{\categoryname{#2}}} 15 16 % Generic stuff 17 \DeclareMathOperator{\Obj}{Obj} % The class of objects of a category 18 \DeclareMathOperator{\Hom}{Hom} % The class of morphisms of a category 19 \DeclareMathOperator{\End}{End} % Endomorphisms 20 \DeclareMathOperator{\Aut}{Aut} % Automorphisms 21 \DeclareMathOperator{\coker}{coker} % Cokernel 22 \newcommand{\normal}{\triangleleft} % A normal subobject in a pointed cathegory 23 \newcommand{\op}{\mathrm{op}} % Dual category 24 \newcommand{\isoto} 25 {\xlongrightarrow{\sim}} % Isomorphism arrow 26 \newcommand{\mfrac}[2] 27 {\mathlarger{\sfrac{#1}{#2}}} % Quotient object 28 \newcommand{\wfrac}[2] 29 {\mathlarger{_{#2}\mkern-.5mu\backslash\mkern-2mu^{#1}}} % Quotient object 30 31 % Function stuff 32 \DeclareMathOperator{\dom}{dom} % The domain of a morphism 33 \DeclareMathOperator{\codom}{codom} % The codomain of a morphism 34 \DeclareMathOperator{\im}{im} % The image of morphism 35 \DeclareMathOperator{\id}{id} % Identity function 36 \newcommand{\To}{\Rightarrow} % Natural transformation 37 \newcommand{\ot}{\leftarrow} % Reversed morphism 38 \newcommand{\Ot}{\Leftarrow} % Reversed natural transformation 39 \newcommand{\fmapsto}[1] 40 {\overset{#1}{\longmapsto}} % Map declaration 41 42 % Notable categories 43 \newcategory{\Set}{Set} % The category of sets 44 \newcategory{\Grp}{Grp} % The category of groups 45 \newcategory{\FinGrp}{FinGrp} % The category of finite abelian groups 46 \newcategory{\Ab}{Ab} % The category of abelian groups 47 \newcategory{\FinAb}{FinAb} % The category of finite abelian groups 48 \newcategory{\Ring}{Ring} % The category of rings 49 \newcategory{\CRing}{CRing} % The category of commutative rings 50 \newcategory{\Meas}{Meas} % The category of measurable spaces 51 \newcategory{\Top}{Top} % The category of topological spaces 52 \newcategory{\Haus}{Haus} % The category of Hausdorf spaces 53 \newcategory{\KHaus}{KHaus} % The category of compact Hausdorf spaces 54 \newcategory{\LCHaus}{LCHaus} % The category of locally compact Hausdorf spaces 55 \newcategory{\GrpTop}{GrpTop} % The category of topological groups 56 \newcategory{\LCGpr}{LCGpr} % The category of locally compact groups 57 \newcategory{\LCAb}{LCAb} % The category of locally compact abelian groups 58 \newcategory{\CAb}{CAb} % The category of compact abelian groups 59 \newcategory{\Mfd}{Mfd} % The category of smooth manifilds 60 \newcategory{\LieGrp}{LieGrp} % The category of Lie groups 61 \newcategory{\LieAlg}{LieAlg} % The category of Lie algebras 62 \newcategory{\Graph}{Graph} % The category of graphs 63 \newcategory{\Quiv}{Quiv} % The category of quivers 64 \newcategory{\PSh}{PSh} % The category of presheafs over some category 65 \newcategory{\Sh}{Sh} % The category of sheafs over some site 66 \newcategory{\Bun}{Bun} % The category of principal G-bundles over some 67 % manifold 68 \newcategory{\Rep}{Rep} % The category of representations of an object 69 \newcategory{\rep}{rep} % The category of finite-dimensional 70 % representations of an object 71 \newcategory{\Cat}{Cat} % The category of (small) categories 72 % The category of vector spaces over a (parameterized) field 73 \newcommand{\Vect}[1] 74 {\ensuremath{#1\operatorname{-}\!\categoryname{Vect}}} 75 % The category of modules over a (parameterized) ring 76 \newcommand{\Mod}[1] 77 {\ensuremath{#1\operatorname{-}\!\categoryname{Mod}}} 78 % The category of algebras over a (parameterized) field 79 \newcommand{\Alg}[1] 80 {\ensuremath{#1\operatorname{-}\!\categoryname{Alg}}} 81 82 \endinput