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File Name | Size | Mode |
xalgebra.sty | 2457B | -rw-r--r-- |
1 \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}[1994/06/01] 2 \ProvidesPackage{xalgebra}[2020/09/10 1.0.0 Usefull definitions for Algebra] 3 4 \RequirePackage{amssymb} % For the double-struck capital letters 5 \RequirePackage{amsmath} % For the \DeclareMathOperator 6 \RequirePackage{mathrsfs} % For \mathscr 7 8 % Generic stuff 9 \newcommand{\abs}[1]{\left|\nobreak#1\nobreak\right|} % Absolute values 10 \DeclareMathOperator{\Rad}{Rad} % Jacobson radical 11 \DeclareMathOperator{\rad}{rad} % Jacobson radical 12 13 % Linear Algebra stuff 14 \newenvironment{system} 15 {\left \{ \begin{aligned}} 16 {\end{aligned} \right.} % Linear system of equations 17 \DeclareMathOperator{\Tr}{Tr} % Operator trace 18 \DeclareMathOperator{\Id}{Id} % Identity operator 19 \DeclareMathOperator{\Bil}{Bil} % The space of bilinear maps 20 \DeclareMathOperator{\Mat}{Mat} % Matrix algebra 21 \DeclareMathOperator{\Sym}{Sym} % Symetric product of vector-spaces 22 \DeclareMathOperator{\Flag}{Flag} % The space of full flags of a vector space 23 \newcommand{\base}{\mathcal{B}} % Vectorspace base 24 \renewcommand{\Re}{\mathrm{Re}\,} % Real component 25 \renewcommand{\Im}{\mathrm{Im}\,} % Imaginary component 26 \newcommand{\norm}[1]{\left\lVert\nobreak#1\nobreak\right\rVert} % Vector norm 27 28 % Group Theory stuff 29 \DeclareMathOperator{\Inn}{Inn} % Inner automorphism group 30 \DeclareMathOperator{\Out}{Out} % Outer automorphism group 31 \DeclareMathOperator{\sgn}{sgn} % Permutation sign (parity) 32 \newcommand{\actson}{\circlearrowleft} % Group action indicator 33 34 % Ring Theory stuff 35 \DeclareMathOperator{\Frac}{Frac} % Field of fractions 36 \DeclareMathOperator{\fchar}{char} % Field characteristic 37 \DeclareMathOperator{\Irr}{Irr} % Minimal polynomial 38 39 % Galois Theory 40 \DeclareMathOperator{\Gal}{Gal} % Galois group 41 \newcommand{\sepcloj}[1]{{#1}^\textsc{sep}} % Separable clojure of a Galois 42 % extension 43 44 % Module Theory 45 \newcommand{\Ind}[2]{\operatorname{Ind}_{#2}^{#1}} % Induced module 46 \newcommand{\Coind}[2]{\operatorname{Coind}_{#2}^{#1}} % Coinduced module 47 \newcommand{\Res}[2]{\operatorname{Res}_{#2}^{#1}} % Restriction of scalars 48 \DeclareMathOperator{\Ann}{Ann} % The annihilator of a 49 % module 50 51 % Homological algebra 52 \DeclareMathOperator{\Ext}{Ext} % Ext functor 53 \DeclareMathOperator{\Tor}{Tor} % Tor functor 54 55 \endinput 56