
My M2 Memoire on mapping class groups & their representations

references.bib (7355B)

  1 @book{farb-margalit,
  2   author    = {Farb,  Benson and Margalit,  Dan},
  3   isbn      = {978-0-691-14794-9},
  4   language  = {English},
  5   publisher = {Princeton University Press},
  6   series    = {Princeton Mathematical Series},
  7   title     = {A Primer on Mapping Class Groups},
  8   volume    = {49},
  9   year      = {2011},
 10 }
 12 @article{korkmaz,
 13   author   = {Korkmaz,  Mustafa},
 14   doi      = {10.1112/topo.12305},
 15   issn     = {1753-8416},
 16   journal  = {Journal of Topology},
 17   keywords = {57K20,20F38},
 18   language = {English},
 19   number   = {3},
 20   pages    = {899--935},
 21   title    = {Low-dimensional Linear Representations of Mapping Class Groups},
 22   volume   = {16},
 23   year     = {2023},
 24 }
 26 @article{funar,
 27   author    = {Funar,  Louis},
 28   doi       = {10.1090/S0002-9939-2010-10555-5},
 29   journal   = {Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society},
 30   language  = {English},
 31   number    = 1,
 32   pages     = {375--382},
 33   title     = {Two Questions on Mapping Class Groups},
 34   volume    = {139},
 35   year      = {2011},
 36 }
 38 @article{franks-handel,
 39   author    = {Franks,  John and Handel,  Michael},
 40   doi       = {10.1090/S0002-9939-2013-11556-X},
 41   issn      = {0002-9939},
 42   journal   = {Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society},
 43   number    = 9,
 44   pages     = {2951--2962},
 45   title     = {Triviality of Some Representations of $\operatorname{MCG}(S_g)$ in $GL(n, \mathbb{C})$, $\operatorname{Diff}(S^2)$ and $\operatorname{Homeo}(\mathbb{T}^2)$},
 46   volume    = {141},
 47   year      = {2013},
 48 }
 50 @article{kasahara,
 51   author    = {Kasahara,  Yasushi},
 52   doi       = {10.1090/tran/9037},
 53   issn      = {1088-6850},
 54   journal   = {Transactions of the American Mathematical Society},
 55   month     = oct,
 56   number    = 2,
 57   pages     = {1183--1218},
 58   publisher = {American Mathematical Society (AMS)},
 59   title     = {Crossed homomorphisms and low dimensional representations of mapping class groups of surfaces},
 60   volume    = {377},
 61   year      = {2023},
 62 }
 64 @article{korkmaz-mccarthy,
 65   author  = {Korkmaz,  Mustafa and McCarthy,  John D.},
 66   doi     = {10.1017/S0305004199004259},
 67   journal = {Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society},
 68   number  = 1,
 69   pages   = {35--53},
 70   title   = {Surface mapping class groups are ultrahopfian},
 71   volume  = {129},
 72   year    = {2000},
 73 }
 75 @article{artin,
 76   author  = {Artin,  Emil},
 77   doi     = {10.2307/1969218},
 78   issn    = {0003-486X},
 79   journal = {The Annals of Mathematics},
 80   month   = jan,
 81   number  = 1,
 82   pages   = {101--126},
 83   title   = {Theory of Braids},
 84   volume  = {48},
 85   year    = {1947},
 86 }
 88 @article{birman-hilden,
 89  ISSN = {0003486X},
 90  author = {Birman,  Joan and Hilden,  Hugh},
 91  journal = {Annals of Mathematics},
 92  number = 3,
 93  pages = {424--439},
 94  publisher = {Annals of Mathematics},
 95  title = {On Isotopies of Homeomorphisms of Riemann Surfaces},
 96  volume = {97},
 97  year = {1973},
 98 }
100 @article{wajnryb,
101   author  = {Wajnryb,  Bronislaw},
102   doi     = {10.1007/bf02774014},
103   issn    = {1565-8511},
104   journal = {Israel Journal of Mathematics},
105   month   = jun,
106   number  = {2--3},
107   pages   = {157--174},
108   title   = {A simple presentation for the mapping class group of an orientable surface},
109   volume  = 45,
110   year    = {1983},
111 }
113 @article{lickorish,
114   author    = {Lickorish,  William Bernard Raymond},
115   doi       = {10.1017/s030500410003824x},
116   issn      = {1469-8064},
117   journal   = {Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society},
118   month     = oct,
119   number    = {4},
120   pages     = {769--778},
121   publisher = {Cambridge University Press (CUP)},
122   title     = {A finite set of generators for the homeotopy group of a $2$-manifold},
123   volume    = {60},
124   year      = {1964},
125 }
127 @article{witten,
128   author    = {Witten,  Edward},
129   doi       = {10.1007/bf01217730},
130   issn      = {1432-0916},
131   journal   = {Communications in Mathematical Physics},
132   month     = sep,
133   number    = {3},
134   pages     = {351--399},
135   publisher = {Springer Science and Business Media LLC},
136   title     = {Quantum field theory and the Jones polynomial},
137   volume    = {121},
138   year      = {1989},
139 }
141 @article{reshetikhin-turaev,
142   title = {Invariants of $3$-manifolds via link polynomials and quantum groups},
143   volume = {103},
144   issn = {1432-1297},
145   doi = {10.1007/bf01239527},
146   number = {1},
147   journal = {Inventiones Mathematicae},
148   publisher = {Springer Science and Business Media LLC},
149   author = {Reshetikhin,  Nicolai and Turaev,  Vladimir Georgievich},
150   year = {1991},
151   month = dec,
152   pages = {547--597},
153 }
155 @article{rado,
156   author  = {Rad{\'o}, Tibor},
157   journal = {Acta Litt. Sci. Szeged},
158   number  = {101-121},
159   pages   = {10},
160   title   = {{\"U}ber den begriff der riemannschen fl{\"a}che},
161   volume  = {2},
162   year    = {1925},
163 }
165 @article{thomassen,
166   author    = {Thomassen,  Carsten},
167   doi       = {10.2307/2324180},
168   issn      = {0002-9890},
169   journal   = {The American Mathematical Monthly},
170   month     = feb,
171   number    = {2},
172   pages     = {116},
173   publisher = {JSTOR},
174   title     = {The Jordan-Schonflies Theorem and the Classification of Surface},
175   volume    = {99},
176   year      = {1992},
177 }
179 @article{gervais,
180   title = {Presentation and central extensions of mapping class groups},
181   volume = {348},
182   ISSN = {1088-6850},
183   DOI = {10.1090/s0002-9947-96-01509-7},
184   number = 8,
185   journal = {Transactions of the American Mathematical Society},
186   author = {Gervais,  Sylvain},
187   year = {1996},
188   pages = {3097--3132}
189 }
191 @article{bigelow-budney,
192   author  = {Bigelow,  Stephen and Budney,  Ryan},
193   doi     = {10.2140/agt.2001.1.699},
194   issn    = {1472-2747},
195   journal = {Algebraic \& Geometric Topology},
196   month   = nov,
197   number  = 2,
198   pages   = {699--708},
199   title   = {The mapping class group of a genus two surface is linear},
200   volume  = {1},
201   year    = {2001},
202 }
204 @article{korkmaz-linearity,
205   author  = {Mustafa Korkmaz},
206   journal = {Turkish Journal of Mathematics},
207   pages   = {367--371},
208   title   = {On the Linearity of Certain Mapping Class Groups},
209   url     = {},
210   volume  = {24},
211   year    = {2000},
212 }
214 @book{kerekjarto,
215   author    = {Kerékjártó,  Béla},
216   doi       = {10.1007/978-3-642-50825-7},
217   isbn      = {9783642508257},
218   publisher = {Springer},
219   title     = {Vorlesungen \"{u}ber Topologie},
220   year      = {1923},
221 }
223 @incollection{julien,
224   author    = {Marché,  Julien},
225   booktitle = {Topology and geometry. A collection of essays dedicated to Vladimir G. Turaev},
226   doi       = {10.4171/IRMA/33-1/7},
227   isbn      = {978-3-98547-001-3; 978-3-98547-501-8},
228   language  = {English},
229   pages     = {109--130},
230   publisher = {European Mathematical Society},
231   title     = {Introduction to Quantum Representations of Mapping Class Groups},
232   year      = {2021},
233 }
235 @inproceedings{costantino,
236   author    = {Costantino,  Francesco},
237   booktitle = {Winter Braids Lecture Notes},
238   doi       = {10.5802/wbln.7},
239   issn      = {2426-0312},
240   month     = feb,
241   pages     = {1--45},
242   publisher = {Cellule MathDoc/CEDRAM},
243   title     = {Notes on Topological Quantum Field Theories},
244   volume    = {2},
245   year      = {2015},
246 }
248 @book{hatcher,
249   author    = {Hatcher,  Allen},
250   edition   = {1},
251   isbn      = {9780521795401; 0521795400},
252   language  = {English},
253   publisher = {Cambridge University Press},
254   title     = {Algebraic Topology},
255   year      = {2001},
256 }