Solututions to the Natural Number Game
File Name | Size | Mode |
advanced-proposition.lean | 2104B | -rw-r--r-- |
1 example (P Q : Prop) (p : P) (q : Q) : P ∧ Q := 2 begin 3 split, 4 exact p, 5 exact q, 6 end 7 8 lemma and_symm (P Q : Prop) : P ∧ Q → Q ∧ P := 9 begin 10 intro h, 11 cases h with p q, 12 split, 13 exact q, 14 exact p, 15 end 16 17 lemma and_trans (P Q R : Prop) : P ∧ Q → Q ∧ R → P ∧ R := 18 begin 19 intro h1, 20 cases h1 with p _, 21 intro h2, 22 cases h2 with _ r, 23 split, 24 exact p, 25 exact r, 26 end 27 28 lemma iff_trans (P Q R : Prop) : (P ↔ Q) → (Q ↔ R) → (P ↔ R) := 29 begin 30 intro p_iff_q, 31 cases p_iff_q with hpq hqp, 32 intro q_iff_r, 33 cases q_iff_r with hqr hrq, 34 split, 35 intro p, 36 apply hqr, 37 apply hpq, 38 exact p, 39 intro r, 40 apply hqp, 41 apply hrq, 42 exact r, 43 end 44 45 lemma iff_trans (P Q R : Prop) : (P ↔ Q) → (Q ↔ R) → (P ↔ R) := 46 begin 47 intro p_iff_q, 48 cases p_iff_q with hpq hqp, 49 intro q_iff_r, 50 cases q_iff_r with hqr hrq, 51 split, 52 intro p, 53 apply hqr, 54 apply hpq, 55 exact p, 56 intro r, 57 apply hqp, 58 apply hrq, 59 exact r, 60 end 61 62 example (P Q : Prop) : Q → (P ∨ Q) := 63 begin 64 intro q, 65 right, 66 exact q, 67 end 68 69 lemma or_symm (P Q : Prop) : P ∨ Q → Q ∨ P := 70 begin 71 intro h, 72 cases h with p q, 73 right, 74 exact p, 75 left, 76 exact q, 77 end 78 79 lemma and_or_distrib_left (P Q R : Prop) : P ∧ (Q ∨ R) ↔ (P ∧ Q) ∨ (P ∧ R) := 80 begin 81 split, 82 intro h, 83 have p := h.1, 84 cases h.2 with q r, 85 left, 86 split, 87 exact p, 88 exact q, 89 right, 90 split, 91 exact p, 92 exact r, 93 intro h, 94 cases h with p_and_q p_and_r, 95 cases p_and_q with p q, 96 split, 97 exact p, 98 left, 99 exact q, 100 cases p_and_r with p r, 101 split, 102 exact p, 103 right, 104 exact r, 105 end 106 107 lemma contra (P Q : Prop) : (P ∧ ¬ P) → Q := 108 begin 109 intro h, 110 rw not_iff_imp_false at h, 111 exfalso, 112 apply h.2, 113 exact h.1, 114 end 115 116 lemma contrapositive2 (P Q : Prop) : (¬ Q → ¬ P) → (P → Q) := 117 begin 118 by_cases p : P; by_cases q : Q, 119 intros _ _, 120 exact q, 121 intro h, 122 have not_p := h q, 123 exfalso, 124 rw not_iff_imp_false at not_p, 125 apply not_p, 126 exact p, 127 intros _ _, 128 exact q, 129 intros h p, 130 have not_p := h q, 131 rw not_iff_imp_false at not_p, 132 exfalso, 133 apply not_p, 134 exact p, 135 end 136