
The setup for tikz.escobar.life

using.html (3234B)

  1 <html>
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  5 <title>Using This Gallery</title>
  6 <meta name="description" content="How to use the drawings of the TikZ Gallery">
  7 <meta name="author" content="Pablo">
  8 <meta name="copyright" content="GPLv3">
 10 <link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/styles.css">
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 17 <meta property="twitter:title" content="Using This Gallery">
 18 <meta property="twitter:description"
 19       content="How to use the drawings of the TikZ Gallery">
 21 <meta property="og:title" content="Using This Gallery"/>
 22 <meta property="og:url" content="https://tikz.escobar.life"/>
 23 <meta property="og:description"
 24       content="How to use the drawings of the TikZ Gallery"/>
 25 <meta property="og:locale" content="en_US"/>
 26 </head>
 27 <body>
 28 <main>
 29 <h1>Using This Gallery</h1>
 31 <p>
 32 Most of the files in this gallery have the <code>.tikz</code> extension. These
 33 are plain text files containing TikZ code. To include the <code>.tikz</code>
 34 drawings in your documents save them in your machine and use
 35 </p>
 36 <div class='codeblock'>
 37   <pre><code data-lang='tex'>\input{NAME OF THE FILE}</code></pre>
 38 </div>
 40 <p>
 41 To include the other files in your documents use
 42 </p>
 43 <div class='codeblock'>
 44   <pre><code data-lang='tex'>\begin{figure}
 45   \centering
 46   \includegraphics{NAME OF THE FILE}
 47 \end{figure}</code></pre>
 48 </div>
 50 <h2>Licensing</h2>
 52 <p>
 53 Most of the files in here were authored by me, but some of them were created
 54 by friends of mine and some of the picture in here are taken from sources such
 55 as <a href='https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Main_Page'>Wikimedia
 56 Commons</a>. Licensing information is provided on a file by file basis:
 57 </p>
 58 <ol>
 59   <li>For the TikZ files, the license is included in inline comments</li>
 60   <li>
 61     For the other files files please check the
 62     <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exif">EXIF</a> data for information
 63     on the licenses and descriptions
 64   </li>
 65 </ol>
 67 <p>
 68 Feel free to modify any of the files created by me and redistribute them under
 69 the terms of the GPLv3 license. The other files are subject to their specific
 70 licensing terms.
 71 </p>
 73 <h2>Dependencies</h2>
 75 <p>
 76 I tried to minimize the amount of dependencies of the TikZ drawings, but there
 77 are still a feel of them.
 78 </p>
 80 <h3>Packages required for the TikZ files</h3>
 81 <ul>
 82   <li>amsmath</li>
 83   <li>amssymb</li>
 84   <li>pgfplots</li>
 85   <li>relsize</li>
 86   <li>tikz-cd</li>
 87   <li>tikz</li>
 88   <li>xfrac</li>
 89 </ul>
 91 <div class='codeblock'>
 92   <pre><code data-lang='tex'>\usepackage{amsmath, amssymb, pgfplots, relsize, tikz-cd, tikz, xfrac}</code></pre>
 93 </div>
 95 <h3>TikZ libraries required for the TikZ files</h3>
 96 <ul>
 97   <li>arrows</li>
 98   <li>calc</li>
 99   <li>matrix</li>
100   <li>patterns</li>
101   <li>shapes.geometric</li>
102 </ul>
104 <div class='codeblock'>
105   <pre><code data-lang='tex'>\usetikzlibrary{arrows, calc, matrix, patterns, shapes.geometric}</code></pre>
106 </div>
108 </main>
109 <footer>
110   made with 💚 by
111   <a rel="author" href="https://pablopie.xyz/">@pablo</a><br>2023
112 </footer>
113 </body>
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