diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
@@ -1,19 +1,18 @@
# A Conjecture of Mine
An exercise on _polyglossy_. The same problem solved on multiple languages.
-## The Problem - Mathematicians Version
+# The Problem - Mathematicians Version
Let <img src="https://latex.codecogs.com/svg.latex?S:&space;\mathbb{N}\rightarrow&space;\mathbb{N}"/> be the sum of the digits of a positive integer in a _[base 10 positional number system](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Positional_notation)_. We have:
<img src="https://latex.codecogs.com/svg.latex?\forall&space;a,&space;b&space;\in&space;\mathbb{N},&space;S_{a&space;+&space;b}&space;\equiv&space;S_a&space;+&space;S_b&space;\;\(\textup{mod}\;&space;9&space;\)"/>
-### Addendum
This conjecture can be generalized for any _positional number system_. Check out `proof.pdf` for more information.
-## The Problem - Programmers Verison
+# The Problem - Programmers Verison
Let `S(n: uint) -> uint` be the sum of the digits of `n` in _[base 10](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decimal)_. Then, for all `a` and `b` of type `uint`, `S(a + b) - ( S(a) + S(b) ) % 9 == 0`.
-## Performance
+# Performance
The conjecture was [proved by exhaustion](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proof_by_exhaustion) for the interval <img src="https://latex.codecogs.com/svg.latex?[0,&space;10^4]"/> in multiple language implementations. The performance of each language was then avaliated as the following _(*)_:
|Language |Milliseconds|
@@ -28,3 +27,62 @@ The conjecture was [proved by exhaustion](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Proof_by
|**Haskell** |28365 |
_* out of date_
+# Contributing
+Contributions are welcomed! If you want to create a solution in a different language or improve the work on an existing implementation, feel free to help out.
+However, there are some guidelines.
+## The Algorithm
+The program should test the conjecture **for all pairs `(a, b)` where `0 <= a <= MAX`**
+**and `0 <= b <= a`**, as this is sufficient to proof the conjecture
+**for all pairs `(a, b)` between `0` and `MAX`**. The value of `MAX` should be provided in
+the first command-line argument.
+The following algorithm should be used:
+for a between 0 and MAX:
+ for b between 0 and a:
+ check if the conjecture holds for the pair (a, b)
+ if it fails, exit the process with exit code 1
+exit the process with exit code 0
+Alternativelly, one could iterate `b` between `a` and `MAX`.
+### Concurency
+The use of concurrency is encoraged for implementations on languages that provide good
+support for it. In the case concurrency is used, an additional, optional parameter `NPROCESSES`
+should be passed to the application in the seccond command-line argument.
+The default value of `NPROCESSES` should be `1`. The algorithm should then be addapted to the
+for i between 0 and NPROCESSES:
+ lauch a process running counterexample(start=i)
+for i between 0 and NPROCESSES:
+ wait for the i-th process to signal it's results
+ if the process signals a counterexample was found, exit the main process with exit code 1
+exit the main process with exit code 0
+The algorith for the `counterexample` routine should be the following:
+for a between 0 and MAX by steps of NPROCESSES:
+ for b between 0 and a:
+ check if the conjecture holds for the pair (a, b)
+ if it fails, signal to the main process that a counterexample was found
+signal to the main process that no counterexample was found
+The routine should only signal wheter or not a counterexample was found.