An exercise on polyglossy: the same problem solved on multiple languages
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script.rkt | 1142B | -rw-r--r-- |
1 #lang racket 2 3 ; This script is a simple test for the following conjecture: 4 5 ; Let S: N -> N be the sum of the digits of a positive integer. 6 ; For all A and B in N, S(A + B) = S(A) + S(B) - 9k, where k is an interger. 7 8 (provide counterexempl?) 9 10 ;; Returns `#t` if a counterexemple was found between `0` and `m`. 11 ;; Otherwise returns `#f`. 12 (define (counterexempl? m) 13 (define (test a b sums-cache) 14 (let ([sum (lambda (n) (vector-ref sums-cache n))]) 15 (zero? (remainder (- (sum (+ a b)) (sum a) (sum b)) 9)))) 16 (define (iter a sums-cache) 17 (stream-fold (lambda (acc b) (and acc (test a b sums-cache))) 18 #t 19 (in-range a))) 20 (let ([sums-cache (get-sums m)]) 21 (not (stream-fold (lambda (acc a) (and acc (iter a sums-cache))) 22 #t 23 (in-range m))))) 24 25 (define (sum-digits n) 26 (define (sum-digits-tail n acc) 27 (if (zero? n) 28 acc 29 (sum-digits-tail (quotient n 10) (+ acc (remainder n 10))))) 30 (sum-digits-tail n 0)) 31 32 (define (get-sums m) (build-vector (+ (* 2 m) 1) sum-digits)) 33