An exercise on polyglossy: the same problem solved on multiple languages
Replaced _for loop_ for _while loop_ in the Rust implementation to improve performance.
Fixed the Go implementation and updated it's benchmarking information.
Added information about the number of processes used for benchmarking.
Removed the Idris implementation from the repo, sice it is far from complete.
Revert "Updated the Rust and the Go implementations to fit the new algorthm."
Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/GarkGarcia/A-Conjecture-of-Mine
Updated the Rust and the Go implementations to fit the new algorthm.
Optimized the Elixir implementation to cache the values of `sum n`.
Optimized the Haskell implementation by using tabled recursion.
Renamed the 'get_range_countrexpl' function to 'get_iter_countrexpl'.
Implemented an iterator approach for distributing calculations across threads.
Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/GarkGarcia/A-Conjecture-of-Mine into go
Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/GarkGarcia/A-Conjecture-of-Mine
Worked on fixes for stack corruption errors in the x86 implementation.
Implemented reading and writing routines in the x86 implementation.
Optmized mutiple implementations by caching the sum of the digits of the tested numbers.
Optimized the Rust implementation and stated creating a C implementation.
Restructured the repository to include other language implementations.
Optimized calculations by switching from signed to unsigned integers whenever possible.