
My personal build of CMark ✏️

File Name Size Mode
.travis.yml 803B -rw-r--r--
 1 # Ensures that sudo is disabled, so that containerized builds are allowed
 2 arch:
 3  - amd64
 4  - ppc64le
 5 sudo: false
 7 os:
 8  - linux
 9  - osx
10 language: c
11 compiler:
12  - clang
13  - gcc
14 matrix:
15   include:
16   - os: linux
17     compiler: gcc
19 addons:
20   apt:
21     # we need a more recent cmake than travis/linux provides (at least 2.8.9):
22     sources:
23     - kubuntu-backports
24     - kalakris-cmake
25     packages:
26     - cmake
27     - python3
28     - valgrind
29 before_install:
30  - |
31      if [ ${TRAVIS_OS_NAME:-'linux'} = 'osx' ]
32      then
33          echo "Building without python3, to make sure that works."
34      fi
36 script:
37  - (mkdir -p build && cd build && cmake $CMAKE_OPTIONS ..)
38  - make test
39  - |
40      if [ ${TRAVIS_OS_NAME:-'linux'} = 'linux' ]
41      then
42          make leakcheck
43      fi