A collection of TikZ drawings and other images 🖌️
complex-lattice.tikz (1164B)
1 % This picture represents a complex lattice with two linearly independent 2 % periods 3 % Copyright Pablo (C) 2021 4 \begin{tikzpicture}[>=triangle 45, scale=0.7] 5 % The axis 6 \draw[line width=0.6pt] (0, -1) -- (0, 4); 7 \draw[line width=0.6pt] (-1, 0) -- (6, 0); 8 9 % The background grid 10 \foreach \x in {-1,,1,2,3,4,5,6} 11 \draw[dotted, line width=0.6pt] (\x, -1) -- (\x, 4); 12 \foreach \y in {-1,,1,2,3,4} 13 \draw[dotted, line width=0.6pt] (-1, \y) -- (6, \y); 14 15 % The lattice 16 \begin{scope} 17 \clip(-1, -1) rectangle (6, 4); 18 19 \foreach \i in {-1,0,1,2} 20 { 21 \begin{scope}[shift={({\i * (3 - 1/2)}, 0)}] 22 \draw[line width=0.6pt, color=cyan] (-.5, -1) -- (2, 4); 23 \end{scope} 24 25 \begin{scope}[shift={(0, {\i * (2 - 1/3)})}] 26 \draw[line width=0.6pt, color=cyan] (-1, {-1/3}) -- (6, 2); 27 \end{scope} 28 } 29 \end{scope} 30 31 % The generators of the lattice 32 \draw[->, >=stealth, line width=0.8pt, color=blue] (0, 0) -- (1, 2); 33 \draw[->, >=stealth, line width=0.8pt, color=blue] (0, 0) -- (3, 1); 34 \draw[line width=0.8pt, color=blue] (4, 3)-- (3, 1); 35 \draw[line width=0.8pt, color=blue] (4, 3)-- (1, 2); 36 \end{tikzpicture}