A collection of TikZ drawings and other images 🖌️
coxerter-group-reflections.tikz (891B)
1 % This picture represents the action of the action of the generators of the 2 % Coxerter group of the complete graph of four vertices corresponding to the 3 % nodes in a maximal free 3-gon 4 % Copyright Pablo (C) 2021 5 \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=.85] 6 \draw (-1.17265, 0) -- (4, 0) node[above]{$a$}; 7 8 % The action of b in the plane (reflection by this line) 9 \draw[shift={(-0.57735, -1)}] (0, 0) node[left]{$b$} -- ( 60:3.5); 10 11 % The action of bab^(-1) in the plane (reflection by this line) 12 \draw[shift={( 0.57735, -1)}] (0, 0) node[right]{$bab^{-1}$} -- (120:3.5); 13 14 % The action of c in the plane (reflection by this line) 15 \draw[shift={( 2.42265, -1)}] (0, 0) node[right]{$c$} -- (120:3.5); 16 17 % The action of cbab^(-1) in the plane (translation in this direction) 18 \draw[thick, ->] (0, 0) -- (30:3) node[right]{$\tau = cbab^{-1}$}; 19 \end{tikzpicture} 20