A collection of TikZ drawings and other images 🖌️
riemannian-metric.tikz (1033B)
1 % This picture is a comparison between the euclian distance and the Riemannian 2 % distance in a three-dimensional sphere 3 % Copyright Pablo (C) 2021 4 \begin{tikzpicture} 5 % The cirference 6 \draw (0, 0) circle (3); 7 8 % The equator 9 \begin{scope} 10 \clip (-3, 0) rectangle (3, -3); 11 \draw ellipse (3 and 1); 12 \end{scope} 13 14 % The equator (on the other side of the sphere) 15 \begin{scope} 16 \clip (-3, 0) rectangle (3, 3); 17 \draw[dotted] ellipse (3 and 1); 18 \end{scope} 19 20 % The dots 21 \filldraw (0, 3) circle (2pt) (-1, 0) circle (2pt); 22 23 \draw[thick, dotted] (0, 3) -- (-1, 0); 24 25 % Greenwhich 26 \begin{scope} 27 \clip (-3, -3) rectangle (0, 3); 28 \draw ellipse (1 and 3); 29 \end{scope} 30 31 % Greenwhich (on the other side of the sphere) 32 \begin{scope} 33 \clip (3, -3) rectangle (0, 3); 34 \draw[dotted] ellipse (1 and 3); 35 \end{scope} 36 37 % Greenwhich (on the other side of the sphere) 38 \begin{scope} 39 \clip (-3, 0) rectangle (0, 3); 40 \draw[very thick] ellipse (1 and 3); 41 \end{scope} 42 \end{tikzpicture} 43