
A collection of TikZ drawings and other images 🖌️

tangent-space.tikz (1417B)

 1 % This picture represents the tangent space at a point in a smooth manifold
 2 % Copyright Mezzo (C) 2021
 3 \begin{tikzpicture}[x=0.75pt, y=0.75pt, yscale=-1]
 4   height of 300
 6   % The manifold
 7   \draw (112.04,66.62) node[below right, font=\scriptsize]{$M$};
 8   \draw (100,108) .. controls (140,78) and (188,143) 
 9                   .. (196,182) ;
10   \draw (196.2,181.8) .. controls (211.8,159.6) and (265.71,101.03) 
11                       .. (318.8,111.8) ;
12   \draw (318.8,111.8) .. controls (323.67,112.42) and (330.33,115.42) 
13                       .. (335,118) ;
14   \draw[dotted] (219.48,53.8) .. controls (230.71,56.06) and (244.01,58.07) 
15                               .. (260.04,63.39) ;
16   \draw (260.04,63.39) .. controls (288.81,75.27) and (332.14,114.93) 
17                        .. (335,118) ;
18   \draw (100,108) .. controls (113.56,84.56) and (160.04,48.06) 
19                   .. (219.48,53.8) ;
21   % A point p in the manifold
22   \filldraw (232.9,84.2) circle (1pt)
23                          node[below right, font=\scriptsize]{$p$};
25   % The tangent space at p
26   \draw (238.68,46.2) -- (294.01,93.72) 
27                       -- (224.01,122.72) 
28                       -- (168.68,75.2) 
29                       -- cycle ;
30   \draw (173.51,76.9) node[below right, 
31                            font=\scriptsize, 
32                            rotate=-337.86,
33                            xslant=-0.54]{$T_{p} M$};
34 \end{tikzpicture}