
A collection of TikZ drawings and other images 🖌️

unit-circle-covering.tikz (1106B)

 1 % This picture represents the universal convering of the unit circle
 2 % Copyright Pablo (C) 2021
 3 \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=0.75]
 4 \begin{scope}[shift={(-3.5, -2.75)}]
 5     \begin{axis}[
 6         view={0}{60}, 
 7         axis lines=none, 
 8         ymin=-2, 
 9         ymax=.5, 
10         xmin=-1, 
11         xmax=1
12       ]
13         \addplot3[
14           very thick, 
15           domain=-1.25*pi:6.25*pi, 
16           samples = 200, 
17           samples y=0
18         ] 
19           ({0.25 * sin(deg(-x))}, {0.17 * cos(deg(-x))}, {-x});
21         \addplot3[
22           very thick, 
23           dotted, 
24           domain=-1.5*pi:-1.25*pi, 
25           samples = 200, 
26           samples y=0
27         ] 
28           ({0.25 * sin(deg(-x))}, {0.17 * cos(deg(-x))}, {-x});
30         \addplot3[
31           very thick, 
32           dotted, 
33           domain=6.25*pi:6.5*pi, 
34           samples = 200, 
35           samples y=0
36         ] 
37           ({0.25 * sin(deg(-x))}, {0.17 * cos(deg(-x))}, {-x});
38     \end{axis}
39 \end{scope}
41 \draw[thick, ->] (0, 0) -- node[right]{$\pi$} (0, -1);
42 \draw[thick] (0, -1.5) ellipse (0.9 and 0.25);
43 \end{tikzpicture}