
My personal LaTeX setup 🦁️⚙️

Pablo <>

Removed the \sp command and fixed a typo


1 file changed, 22 insertions, 21 deletions

Status File Name N° Changes Insertions Deletions
Modified xgeometry.sty 43 22 21
diff --git a/xgeometry.sty b/xgeometry.sty
@@ -17,33 +17,34 @@ geometry and Lie groups/algebras]
 % Diferential forms
 \newcommand{\exterior}{\mathrm{d}} % The exterior derivative
-\newcommand{\dd}{\exteior}         % Alias for \exterior
+\newcommand{\dd}{\exterior}        % Alias for \exterior
 \newcommand{\dx}{\exterior x}      % dx
 \newcommand{\dy}{\exterior y}      % dy
 \newcommand{\dz}{\exterior z}      % dz
 \newcommand{\dt}{\exterior t}      % dt
 % Lie groups and algebras
-\DeclareMathOperator{\GL}{GL}     % General linear group
-\DeclareMathOperator{\SL}{SL}     % Simple linear group
-\DeclareMathOperator{\SO}{SO}     % Simple orthogonal group
-\DeclareMathOperator{\Sp}{Sp}     % Sympletic group
-\newcommand{\PR}{\mathbb{PR}}     % Projective real group
-\newcommand{\RP}{\mathbb{RP}}     % Projective real group
-\newcommand{\PC}{\mathbb{PC}}     % Projective complex group
-\newcommand{\CP}{\mathbb{CP}}     % Projective complex group
-\DeclareMathOperator{\PGL}{PGL}   % Projective general linear group
-\DeclareMathOperator{\PSL}{PSL}   % Projective general linear group
-\newcommand{\gl}{\mathfrak{gl}}   % Lie algebra of \GL
-\renewcommand{\sl}{\mathfrak{sl}} % Lie algebra of \SL
-\newcommand{\so}{\mathfrak{so}}   % Lie algebra of \SO
-\renewcommand{\sp}{\mathfrak{sp}} % Lie algebra of \Sp
-\newcommand{\pr}{\mathfrak{pr}}   % Lie algebra of \PR
-\newcommand{\rp}{\mathfrak{rp}}   % Lie algebra of \RP
-\newcommand{\pc}{\mathfrak{pC}}   % Lie algebra of \PC
-\newcommand{\cp}{\mathfrak{cp}}   % Lie algebra of \CP
-\newcommand{\pgl}{\mathfrak{pgl}} % Lie algebra of \PGL
-\newcommand{\psl}{\mathfrak{psl}} % Lie algebra of \PSL
+\DeclareMathOperator{\GL}{GL}       % General linear group
+\DeclareMathOperator{\SL}{SL}       % Simple linear group
+\DeclareMathOperator{\SO}{SO}       % Simple orthogonal group
+\DeclareMathOperator{\Sp}{Sp}       % Sympletic group
+\newcommand{\PR}{\mathbb{PR}}       % Projective real group
+\newcommand{\RP}{\mathbb{RP}}       % Projective real group
+\newcommand{\PC}{\mathbb{PC}}       % Projective complex group
+\newcommand{\CP}{\mathbb{CP}}       % Projective complex group
+\DeclareMathOperator{\PGL}{PGL}     % Projective general linear group
+\DeclareMathOperator{\PSL}{PSL}     % Projective general linear group
+\newcommand{\gl}{\mathfrak{gl}}     % Lie algebra of \GL
+\renewcommand{\sl}{\mathfrak{sl}}   % Lie algebra of \SL
+\newcommand{\so}{\mathfrak{so}}     % Lie algebra of \SO
+% The following is ommited because \sp is a spacing character
+% \renewcommand{\sp}{\mathfrak{sp}} % Lie algebra of \Sp
+\newcommand{\pr}{\mathfrak{pr}}     % Lie algebra of \PR
+\newcommand{\rp}{\mathfrak{rp}}     % Lie algebra of \RP
+\newcommand{\pc}{\mathfrak{pC}}     % Lie algebra of \PC
+\newcommand{\cp}{\mathfrak{cp}}     % Lie algebra of \CP
+\newcommand{\pgl}{\mathfrak{pgl}}   % Lie algebra of \PGL
+\newcommand{\psl}{\mathfrak{psl}}   % Lie algebra of \PSL
 % Representation theory of Lie groups