diff --git a/README b/README
@@ -1,4 +1,32 @@
= latex-setup
My personal LaTeX packages, preambles and mathematical drawings. Feel free to
-use any of this 😛️
+use any of this under the terms of the GPLv3 license 😛️
+== Contents
+ A package that adds upper-case greek letters (the ones missing from standard
+ LaTeX).
+ A package for typesetting categorical-stuff. It includes macros for commonly
+ used categories (such as `\Set` for the category of sets), as well macros for
+ things like isomorphism arrows and quotient objects.
+ A package for typesetting algebraic stuff. It includes macros for commonly
+ used groups, rings, fields, algebras, etc, as well as some other fun stuff.
+ A package for typesetting solutions to exercises.
+ A package for geometry-related stuff, including differential geometry,
+ Reimannian geometry, topological groups, Lie groups, Lie algebras and their
+ representations.
+ My preamble for articles.
+ My preamble for Beamer presentations.
+ Stuff used both in the Beamer and the article preamble.
+ A collection of TikZ drawings and other images I use in my personal work.