My M2 Memoire on mapping class groups & their representations
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Pablo < >
Tue, 25 Jun 2024 13:35:49 +0000
Moved some comments
Fixed the use of a definition before its statement: moved comments on the capping exact sequence and the kernel of the cutting homomorphism to after the definition of Dehn twists
3 files changed, 62 insertions, 47 deletions
diff --git a/sections/introduction.tex b/sections/introduction.tex
@@ -208,26 +208,13 @@ class groups.
known as \emph{the inclusion homomorphism}.
-% TODOOO: You haven't defined Dehn twists yet!!!!!
-\begin{example}[Capping exact sequence]\label{ex:capping-seq}
+\begin{example}[Capping exact homomorphism]\label{ex:capping-morphism}
Let \(\delta \subset \partial \Sigma\) be an oriented boundary component of
\(\Sigma\). We refer to the inclusion homomorphism \(\operatorname{cap} :
\Mod(\Sigma) \to \Mod(\Sigma \cup_\delta (\mathbb{D}^2 \setminus \{0\}))\) as
- \emph{the capping homomorphism}. There is an exact sequence
- \begin{center}
- \begin{tikzcd}
- 1 \rar &
- \langle \tau_\delta \rangle \rar &
- \Mod(\Sigma) \rar{\operatorname{cap}} &
- \Mod(\Sigma \cup_\delta (\mathbb{D}^2 \setminus \{0\}), 0) \rar &
- 1,
- \end{tikzcd}
- \end{center}
- known as \emph{the capping exact sequence} -- see
- \cite[Proposition~3.19]{farb-margalit} for a proof.
+ \emph{the capping homomorphism}.
-% TODOOO: You haven't defined Dehn twists yet!!!!!
\begin{example}[Cutting homomorphism]\label{ex:cutting-morphism}
Given a simple closed curve \(\alpha \subset \Sigma\), any \(f \in
\Mod(\Sigma_{g+1})_{\vec{[\alpha]}}\) has a representative \(\phi \in
@@ -239,9 +226,7 @@ class groups.
& \to \Mod(\Sigma\setminus\alpha) \\
[\phi] & \mapsto [\phi\!\restriction_{\Sigma \setminus \alpha}],
- known as \emph{the cutting homomorphism}. Furthermore, \(\ker
- \operatorname{cut} = \langle \tau_\alpha \rangle\) -- see
- \cite[Proposition~3.20]{farb-margalit} for a proof.
+ known as \emph{the cutting homomorphism}.
As goes for most groups, another approach to understanding the mapping class
diff --git a/sections/presentation.tex b/sections/presentation.tex
@@ -26,16 +26,16 @@ Theorem~\ref{thm:wajnryb-presentation}.
= \tau_\beta \tau_{\delta_4}^{-1}
\in \Mod(\Sigma_{0, 1}^3).
- Using the capping exact sequence from Example~\ref{ex:capping-seq}, we can
- then see \(\tau_{\delta_2} \tau_\alpha^{-1} \tau_{\delta_3} \tau_\gamma^{-1},
- \tau_\beta \tau_{\delta_4}^{-1} \in \Mod(\Sigma_0^4)\) differ by a power of
- \(\tau_{\delta_1}\). In fact, it follows from the Alexander method that
- \((\tau_{\delta_2} \tau_\alpha^{-1} \tau_{\delta_3} \tau_\gamma^{-1})
- (\tau_\beta \tau_{\delta_4}^{-1})^{-1} = \tau_{\delta_1}^{-1} \in
- \Mod(\Sigma_0^4)\). Now the disjointness relations \([\tau_{\delta_i},
- \tau_\alpha] = [\tau_{\delta_i}, \tau_\beta] = [\tau_{\delta_i}, \tau_\gamma]
- = 1\) give us the \emph{lantern relation} (\ref{eq:lantern-relation}) in
- \(\Mod(\Sigma_0^4)\).
+ Using the capping exact sequence from Observation~\ref{ex:capping-seq}, we
+ can then see \(\tau_{\delta_2} \tau_\alpha^{-1} \tau_{\delta_3}
+ \tau_\gamma^{-1}, \tau_\beta \tau_{\delta_4}^{-1} \in \Mod(\Sigma_0^4)\)
+ differ by a power of \(\tau_{\delta_1}\). In fact, it follows from the
+ Alexander method that \((\tau_{\delta_2} \tau_\alpha^{-1} \tau_{\delta_3}
+ \tau_\gamma^{-1}) (\tau_\beta \tau_{\delta_4}^{-1})^{-1} =
+ \tau_{\delta_1}^{-1} \in \Mod(\Sigma_0^4)\). Now the disjointness relations
+ \([\tau_{\delta_i}, \tau_\alpha] = [\tau_{\delta_i}, \tau_\beta] =
+ [\tau_{\delta_i}, \tau_\gamma] = 1\) give us the \emph{lantern relation}
+ (\ref{eq:lantern-relation}) in \(\Mod(\Sigma_0^4)\).
\tau_\alpha \tau_\beta \tau_\gamma
= \tau_{\delta_1} \tau_{\delta_2} \tau_{\delta_3} \tau_{\delta_4}
@@ -185,15 +185,15 @@ get\dots
- Using the capping exact sequence from Example~\ref{ex:capping-seq} and
- the Alexander method, one can check that the center \(Z(\Mod(\Sigma_{0, n}^1))\)
- of \(\Mod(\Sigma_{0, n}^1)\) is freely generated by the Dehn twist \(\tau_\delta\)
- about the boundary \(\delta = \partial \Sigma_{0, n}^1\). It is also not very hard
- to see that \(\operatorname{push} : B_n \to \Mod(\Sigma_{0, n}^1)\) takes
- \(\sigma_1 \cdots \sigma_{n-1}\) to the rotation by
- \(\sfrac{2\pi}{n}\) as in Figure~\ref{fig:braid-group-center}, which is an
- \(n\)-th root of \(\tau_\delta\). Hence the center \(Z(B_n)\) is freely
- generated by \(z = (\sigma_1 \cdots \sigma_{n - 1})^n\).
+ Using the capping exact sequence from Observation~\ref{ex:capping-seq} and
+ the Alexander method, one can check that the center \(Z(\Mod(\Sigma_{0,
+ n}^1))\) of \(\Mod(\Sigma_{0, n}^1)\) is freely generated by the Dehn twist
+ \(\tau_\delta\) about the boundary \(\delta = \partial \Sigma_{0, n}^1\). It
+ is also not very hard to see that \(\operatorname{push} : B_n \to
+ \Mod(\Sigma_{0, n}^1)\) takes \(\sigma_1 \cdots \sigma_{n-1}\) to the
+ rotation by \(\sfrac{2\pi}{n}\) as in Figure~\ref{fig:braid-group-center},
+ which is an \(n\)-th root of \(\tau_\delta\). Hence the center \(Z(B_n)\) is
+ freely generated by \(z = (\sigma_1 \cdots \sigma_{n - 1})^n\).
\hspace{.6cm} %
diff --git a/sections/twists.tex b/sections/twists.tex
@@ -121,7 +121,37 @@ classes that permute the punctures of \(\Sigma\).
the inclusion homomorphism \(\Mod(D) \to \Mod(\Sigma)\).
-It is interesting to study how the geometry of two curves affects the
+We can use the Alexander method to describe the kernel of capping and cutting
+morphisms in terms of Dehn twists.
+\begin{observation}[Capping exact sequence]\label{ex:capping-seq}
+ Let \(\delta \subset \partial \Sigma\) be a boundary component of \(\Sigma\)
+ and \(\operatorname{cap} : \Mod(\Sigma) \to \Mod(\Sigma \cup_\delta
+ (\mathbb{D}^2 \setminus \{0\}))\) be the corresponding the capping
+ homomorphism from Example~\ref{ex:capping-morphism}. There is an exact
+ sequence
+ \begin{center}
+ \begin{tikzcd}
+ 1 \rar &
+ \langle \tau_\delta \rangle \rar &
+ \Mod(\Sigma) \rar{\operatorname{cap}} &
+ \Mod(\Sigma \cup_\delta (\mathbb{D}^2 \setminus \{0\}), 0) \rar &
+ 1,
+ \end{tikzcd}
+ \end{center}
+ known as \emph{the capping exact sequence} -- see
+ \cite[Proposition~3.19]{farb-margalit} for a proof.
+ Let \(\alpha \subset \Sigma\) be a simple closed curve and
+ \(\operatorname{cut} : \Mod(\Sigma)_{\vec{[\alpha]}} \to \Mod(\Sigma
+ \setminus \alpha)\) be the cutting homomorphism from
+ Example~\ref{ex:cutting-morphism}. Then \(\ker \operatorname{cut} = \langle
+ \tau_\alpha \rangle \cong \mathbb{Z}\).
+It is also interesting to study how the geometry of two curves affects the
relationship between their corresponding Dehn twists. For instance,
by investigating the geometric intersection number
@@ -385,14 +415,14 @@ Theorem~\ref{thm:mcg-is-fg}.
- from Example~\ref{ex:capping-seq}, it suffices to show that \(\Sigma_{g, n}\)
- is finitely generated by twists about nonseparating simple closed curves.
- Indeed, if \(\PMod(\Sigma_{g, r}^p \cup_{\delta_1} (\mathbb{D}^2 \setminus
- \{0\})) \cong \PMod(\Sigma_{g, r+1}^{p-1})\) is finitely generated by twists
- about nonseparating curves or boundary components, then we may lift the
- generators of \(\PMod(\Sigma_{g, r}^p \cup_{\delta_1} (\mathbb{D}^2 \setminus
- \{0\}))\) to Dehn twists about the corresponding curves in \(\Sigma_{g,
- r}^p\) and add \(\tau_{\delta_1}\) to the generating set.
+ from Observation~\ref{ex:capping-seq}, it suffices to show that \(\Sigma_{g,
+ n}\) is finitely generated by twists about nonseparating simple closed
+ curves. Indeed, if \(\PMod(\Sigma_{g, r}^p \cup_{\delta_1} (\mathbb{D}^2
+ \setminus \{0\})) \cong \PMod(\Sigma_{g, r+1}^{p-1})\) is finitely generated
+ by twists about nonseparating curves or boundary components, then we may lift
+ the generators of \(\PMod(\Sigma_{g, r}^p \cup_{\delta_1} (\mathbb{D}^2
+ \setminus \{0\}))\) to Dehn twists about the corresponding curves in
+ \(\Sigma_{g, r}^p\) and add \(\tau_{\delta_1}\) to the generating set.
It thus suffices to consider the boundaryless case \(\Sigma_{g, r}\). As promised,
we proceed by double induction on \(r\) and \(g\). For the base case, it is
@@ -476,7 +506,7 @@ Theorem~\ref{thm:mcg-is-fg}.
finitely many twists about nonseparating curves. First observe that
\(\Sigma_{g+1} \setminus \alpha \cong \Sigma_{g,2}\), as shown in
- Example~\ref{ex:cutting-morphism} then gives us an exact sequence
+ Observation~\ref{ex:cutting-morphism-kernel} then gives us an exact sequence
1 \rar &