
My M2 Memoire on mapping class groups & their representations

Pablo <>

Thanked Maxime in the Acknowledgements section

Also added a few words on why the figures and hand-drawn


1 file changed, 7 insertions, 4 deletions

Status File Name N° Changes Insertions Deletions
Modified memoire.tex 11 7 4
diff --git a/memoire.tex b/memoire.tex
@@ -29,14 +29,17 @@
   \cite{farb-margalit}, as well as the 2023 article by Korkmaz \cite{korkmaz}.
   We assume the reader is already familiar with basic topology and group
   theory. Crucially, we \emph{do not} assume any familiarity with
-  representation theory.
+  representation theory. Because of tight deadlines, we have opted to
+  hand-draw all of the figures.
   I would like to thank my friends and family for their tireless love and
-  support. Special thanks to my girlfriend for her endless encouragement and
-  understanding during this challenging year. I should also thank M. Faitg for
-  his help with the discussion on TQFT representations.
+  support. Special thanks to my girlfriend for her encouragement and
+  understanding during this challenging year. I extend my gratitude to
+  Professor Wolff for accepting me as his student and providing me with his
+  invaluable guidance. I should also thank Matthieu Faitg for his help with the
+  discussion on TQFT representations.