
Yet another static page generator for photo galleries

Pablo <>

Revamped the logging macros

Reimplemented the logging macros to make them concurrent safe

Also made it so that the macros can read variables from the environment by using the std::format_args! macro


2 files changed, 235 insertions, 117 deletions

Status File Name N° Changes Insertions Deletions
Added src/ 204 204 0
Modified src/ 148 31 117
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
+//! Macros for logging.
+//! This implementation should be thread safe (unlink an implementation using
+//! `println!` and `eprintln!`) because access to the global stdout/stderr
+//! handle is syncronized using a lock.
+use crossterm::style::Stylize;
+use std::{io::{self, Write}, fmt::Arguments};
+#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
+pub(crate) enum Level {
+    Error,
+    Info,
+    Warn,
+pub(crate) fn log(level: Level, args: &Arguments<'_>, newline: bool) {
+    match level {
+        Level::Error => {
+            let mut stderr = io::stderr();
+            let _ = write!(stderr, "{} ", "[ERROR]".red().bold());
+            let _ = if newline {
+                write!(stderr, "{}\n", args)
+            } else {
+                write!(stderr, "{}", args)
+            };
+            if !newline { let _ = stderr.flush(); }
+        }
+        Level::Info => {
+            let mut stdout = io::stdout().lock();
+            let _ = write!(stdout, "{} ", "[INFO]".green().bold());
+            let _ = if newline {
+                write!(stdout, "{}\n", args)
+            } else {
+                write!(stdout, "{}", args)
+            };
+            if !newline { let _ = stdout.flush(); }
+        }
+        Level::Warn => {
+            let mut stdout = io::stdout().lock();
+            let _ = write!(stdout, "{} ", "[WARNING]".yellow().bold());
+            let _ = if newline {
+                write!(stdout, "{}\n", args)
+            } else {
+                write!(stdout, "{}", args)
+            };
+            if !newline { let _ = stdout.flush(); }
+        }
+    }
+macro_rules! info {
+    // info!(key1:? = 42, key2 = true; "a {} event", "log");
+    ($($key:tt $(:$capture:tt)? $(= $value:expr)?),+; $($arg:tt)+) => ({
+        $crate::log::log(
+            $crate::log::Level::Info,
+            &std::format_args!($($arg)+),
+            false,
+        );
+    });
+    // info!("a {} event", "log");
+    ($($arg:tt)+) => ({
+        $crate::log::log(
+            $crate::log::Level::Info,
+            &std::format_args!($($arg)+),
+            false,
+        );
+    });
+macro_rules! infoln {
+    // infoln!(key1:? = 42, key2 = true; "a {} event", "log");
+    ($($key:tt $(:$capture:tt)? $(= $value:expr)?),+; $($arg:tt)+) => ({
+        $crate::log::log(
+            $crate::log::Level::Info,
+            &std::format_args!($($arg)+),
+            true,
+        );
+    });
+    // infoln!("a {} event", "log");
+    ($($arg:tt)+) => ({
+        $crate::log::log(
+            $crate::log::Level::Info,
+            &std::format_args!($($arg)+),
+            true,
+        );
+    });
+macro_rules! info_done {
+    () => { 
+        let _ = writeln!(io::stdout().lock(), " Done!");
+    };
+macro_rules! error {
+    // error!(key1:? = 42, key2 = true; "a {} event", "log");
+    ($($key:tt $(:$capture:tt)? $(= $value:expr)?),+; $($arg:tt)+) => ({
+        $crate::log::log(
+            $crate::log::Level::Error,
+            &std::format_args!($($arg)+),
+            false,
+        );
+    });
+    // info!("a {} event", "log");
+    ($($arg:tt)+) => ({
+        $crate::log::log(
+            $crate::log::Level::Error,
+            &std::format_args!($($arg)+),
+            false,
+        );
+    });
+macro_rules! errorln {
+    // errorln!(key1:? = 42, key2 = true; "a {} event", "log");
+    ($($key:tt $(:$capture:tt)? $(= $value:expr)?),+; $($arg:tt)+) => ({
+        $crate::log::log(
+            $crate::log::Level::Error,
+            &std::format_args!($($arg)+),
+            true,
+        );
+    });
+    // errorln!("a {} event", "log");
+    ($($arg:tt)+) => ({
+        $crate::log::log(
+            $crate::log::Level::Error,
+            &std::format_args!($($arg)+),
+            true,
+        );
+    });
+macro_rules! warnln {
+    // info!(key1:? = 42, key2 = true; "a {} event", "log");
+    ($($key:tt $(:$capture:tt)? $(= $value:expr)?),+; $($arg:tt)+) => ({
+        $crate::log::log(
+            $crate::log::Level::Warn,
+            &std::format_args!($($arg)+),
+            true,
+        );
+    });
+    // info!("a {} event", "log");
+    ($($arg:tt)+) => ({
+        $crate::log::log(
+            $crate::log::Level::Warn,
+            &std::format_args!($($arg)+),
+            true,
+        );
+    });
+macro_rules! usage {
+    ($program:expr) => {
+        let mut stderr = io::stderr();
+        let _ = writeln!(
+            stderr,
+            "{usage_header_msg} {} config.yml",
+            $program,
+            usage_header_msg = "[USAGE]".yellow().bold()
+        );
+    };
+macro_rules! usage_config {
+    () => {
+        let mut stderr = io::stderr();
+        let _ = writeln!(
+            stderr,
+            "{usage_header_msg} The YAML configuration file should look like this:",
+            usage_header_msg = "[USAGE]".yellow().bold()
+        );
+        let _ = writeln!(
+            stderr,
+            "    - {path_attr} examples/photos/iss-trails.jpg
+      {alt_attr} \"A long exposure shot of star trails, framed by the ISS on the top and
+        by the surface of Earth on the bottom. Thunderstorms dot the landscape
+        while the orange glare of cities drifts across Earth and a faint a
+        green-yellow light hugs the horizon.\"
+      {license_attr} PD
+      {author_attr} Don Pettit
+    - {path_attr} examples/photos/solar-eclipse.jpg
+      {alt_attr} \"A total solar eclipse. The moon blocks out the sun and creates a
+      stunning ring of colorful red light against the black background.\"
+      {license_attr} CC-BY-SA-3
+      {author_attr} Luc Viatour",
+            path_attr = "path:".green(),
+            alt_attr = "alt:".green(),
+            author_attr = "author:".green(),
+            license_attr = "license:".green()
+        );
+        let _ = stderr.flush();
+    }
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
@@ -13,6 +13,8 @@ use std::{
 use gallery_entry::{GalleryEntry, LicenseType};
 use threadpool::ThreadPool;
+mod log;
 mod gallery_entry;
 /// A wrapper for HTML-escaped strings
@@ -38,96 +40,8 @@ const IMAGE_QUALITY: f32 = 50.0;
 const HORIZONTAL_THUMB_HEIGHT: u32 = 300;
 const VERTICAL_THUMB_HEIGHT:   u32 = 800;
-macro_rules! log {
-    ($fmt:literal) => {
-        print!(concat!("{info_header_msg} ", $fmt),
-               info_header_msg = "[INFO]".green().bold());
-        let _ = io::stdout().flush();
-    };
-    ($fmt:literal, $($x:ident = $y:expr),+ $(,)?) => {
-        print!(concat!("{info_header_msg} ", $fmt), $($x = $y),+,
-               info_header_msg = "[INFO]".green().bold());
-        let _ = io::stdout().flush();
-    };
-macro_rules! logln {
-    ($fmt:literal) => {
-        println!(concat!("{info_header_msg} ", $fmt),
-               info_header_msg = "[INFO]".green().bold());
-    };
-    ($fmt:literal, $($x:ident = $y:expr),+ $(,)?) => {
-        println!(concat!("{info_header_msg} ", $fmt), $($x = $y),+,
-               info_header_msg = "[INFO]".green().bold());
-    };
-macro_rules! log_done {
-    () => { println!(" Done!"); };
-macro_rules! errorln {
-    ($fmt:literal) => {
-        eprintln!(concat!("\n{error_header_msg} ", $fmt),
-                  error_header_msg = "[ERROR]".red().bold());
-    };
-    ($fmt:literal, $($x:ident = $y:expr),+ $(,)?) => {
-        eprintln!(concat!("\n{error_header_msg} ", $fmt), $($x = $y),+,
-                  error_header_msg = "[ERROR]".red().bold());
-    };
-    ($fmt:literal; newline = false) => {
-        eprintln!(concat!("{error_header_msg} ", $fmt),
-                  error_header_msg = "[ERROR]".red().bold());
-    };
-    ($fmt:literal, $($x:ident = $y:expr),+ ; newline = false) => {
-        eprintln!(concat!("{error_header_msg} ", $fmt), $($x = $y),+,
-                  error_header_msg = "[ERROR]".red().bold());
-    };
-macro_rules! warningln {
-    ($fmt:literal) => {
-        println!(concat!("{warning_header_msg} ", $fmt),
-                 warning_header_msg = "[WARNING]".yellow().bold());
-    };
-    ($fmt:literal, $($x:ident = $y:expr),+ $(,)?) => {
-        println!(concat!("{warning_header_msg} ", $fmt), $($x = $y),+,
-                 warning_header_msg = "[WARNING]".yellow().bold());
-    };
-macro_rules! usage {
-    ($program:expr) => {
-        eprintln!("{usage_header_msg} {} config.yml",
-                  $program, usage_header_msg = "[USAGE]".yellow().bold());
-    };
-macro_rules! usage_config {
-    () => {
-        eprintln!("{usage_header_msg} The YAML configuration file should look like this:",
-                  usage_header_msg = "[USAGE]".yellow().bold());
-        eprintln!("    - {path_attr} examples/photos/iss-trails.jpg
-      {alt_attr} \"A long exposure shot of star trails, framed by the ISS on the top and
-        by the surface of Earth on the bottom. Thunderstorms dot the landscape
-        while the orange glare of cities drifts across Earth and a faint a
-        green-yellow light hugs the horizon.\"
-      {license_attr} PD
-      {author_attr} Don Pettit
-    - {path_attr} examples/photos/solar-eclipse.jpg
-      {alt_attr} \"A total solar eclipse. The moon blocks out the sun and creates a
-      stunning ring of colorful red light against the black background.\"
-      {license_attr} CC-BY-SA-3
-      {author_attr} Luc Viatour",
-                  path_attr = "path:".green(), alt_attr = "alt:".green(),
-                  author_attr = "author:".green(),
-                  license_attr = "license:".green());
-    }
 fn main() -> ExitCode {
-    logln!("Running {package} version {version}",
+    infoln!("Running {package} version {version}",
            package = env!("CARGO_PKG_NAME"),
            version = env!("CARGO_PKG_VERSION"));
@@ -136,14 +50,12 @@ fn main() -> ExitCode {
     let (program, config) = match &args[..] {
         [program, config] => (program, config),
         [program] => {
-            errorln!("Expected 1 command line argument, found none";
-                   newline = false);
+            error!("Expected 1 command line argument, found none");
             return ExitCode::FAILURE;
         [program, ..] => {
-            errorln!("Expected 1 command line argument, found many";
-                   newline = false);
+            error!("Expected 1 command line argument, found many");
             return ExitCode::FAILURE;
@@ -154,15 +66,13 @@ fn main() -> ExitCode {
     match<_, Vec<GalleryEntry>>) {
         // Error opening the config file
         Err(err) => {
-            errorln!("Couldn't open {config:?}: {err}",
-                   config = config, err = err; newline = false);
+            error!("Couldn't open {config:?}: {err}");
         // Error parsing the config file
         Ok(Err(err)) => {
-            errorln!("Couldn't parse {config:?}: {err}",
-                   config = config, err = err; newline = false);
+            error!("Couldn't parse {config:?}: {err}");
@@ -172,7 +82,7 @@ fn main() -> ExitCode {
 /// Coordinates the rendering of all the pages and file conversions
 fn render_gallery(pics: Vec<GalleryEntry>) -> ExitCode {
-    log!("Copying image files to the target directory...");
+    info!("Copying image files to the target directory...");
     for pic in &pics {
         let mut target_path = PathBuf::from(TARGET_PATH);
@@ -180,18 +90,21 @@ fn render_gallery(pics: Vec<GalleryEntry>) -> ExitCode {
         if let Err(err) = fs::copy(&pic.path, &target_path) {
-            errorln!("Couldn't copy file {src:?} to {target:?}: {err}",
-                   src = pic.path, target = target_path, err = err);
+            errorln!(
+                "Couldn't copy file {src:?} to {target:?}: {err}",
+               src = pic.path,
+               target = target_path,
+           );
             return ExitCode::FAILURE;
-    log_done!();
+    info_done!();
     // ========================================================================
     for pic in &pics {
         if pic.alt.is_empty() {
-            warningln!(
+            warnln!(
                 "Empty text alternative was specified for the file {name:?}",
                 name = pic.file_name
@@ -206,7 +119,7 @@ fn render_gallery(pics: Vec<GalleryEntry>) -> ExitCode {
     let (sender, reciever) = mpsc::channel();
-    logln!("Started rendering WebP thumbnails (using {n} threads)",
+    infoln!("Started rendering WebP thumbnails (using {n} threads)",
          n = num_threads);
     for pic in &pics {
@@ -224,21 +137,21 @@ fn render_gallery(pics: Vec<GalleryEntry>) -> ExitCode {
-    logln!("Done rendering WebP thumbnails!");
+    infoln!("Done rendering WebP thumbnails!");
     // ========================================================================
-    log!("Rendering index.html...");
+    info!("Rendering index.html...");
     if render_index(&pics).is_err() {
         return ExitCode::FAILURE;
-    log_done!();
+    info_done!();
     for pic in pics {
-        log!("Rendering HTML page for {name:?}...", name = pic.file_name);
+        info!("Rendering HTML page for {name:?}...", name = pic.file_name);
         if render_pic_page(&pic).is_err() {
             return ExitCode::FAILURE;
-        log_done!();
+        info_done!();
@@ -312,8 +225,7 @@ fn render_pic_page(pic: &GalleryEntry) -> io::Result<()> {
     let mut f = match File::create(&path) {
         Ok(file) => file,
         Err(err) => {
-            errorln!("Could not open file {path:?}: {err}",
-                   path = path, err = err);
+            errorln!("Could not open file {path:?}: {err}");
             return Err(err);
@@ -462,7 +374,7 @@ fn render_thumbnail(pic: GalleryEntry) -> bool {
             .expect("os should support file modification date");
         if thumb_mod_date > img_mod_date {
-            warningln!("Skipped rendering the thumbnail for {name:?} (update {path:?} to overwrite)",
+            warnln!("Skipped rendering the thumbnail for {name:?} (update {path:?} to overwrite)",
                      name = pic.file_name, path = pic.path);
             return true;
@@ -471,8 +383,9 @@ fn render_thumbnail(pic: GalleryEntry) -> bool {
     let mut thumb_file = match File::create(&thumb_path) {
         Ok(f)    => f,
         Err(err) => {
-            errorln!("Couldn't open WebP thumbnail file {thumb_path:?}: {err}",
-                   thumb_path = thumb_path, err = err);
+            errorln!(
+                "Couldn't open WebP thumbnail file {thumb_path:?}: {err}"
+            );
             return false;
@@ -495,7 +408,6 @@ fn render_thumbnail(pic: GalleryEntry) -> bool {
                 "Faileded to decode image file {name:?}: {err}",
                 name = pic.file_name,
-                err = err
             return false;
@@ -516,12 +428,14 @@ fn render_thumbnail(pic: GalleryEntry) -> bool {
     if let Err(err) = thumb_file.write_all(&mem) {
-        errorln!("Couldn't write WebP thumnail to file {path:?}: {err}",
-               path = thumb_path, err = err);
+        errorln!(
+            "Couldn't write WebP thumnail to file {path:?}: {err}",
+            path = thumb_path
+        );
         return false;
-    logln!("Rendered WebP thumbnail for {name:?}", name = pic.file_name);
+    infoln!("Rendered WebP thumbnail for {name:?}", name = pic.file_name);