A simple SVG markup editor for the web
- Commit
- 8b703ba792a2b5fa4c05f2ce09fff0f0136e7588
- Parent
- 2693d2a8c0978619137a775a81dd4326dfd6d5db
- Author
- Pablo Emilio Escobar Gaviria <pablo-escobar@riseup.net>
- Date
Made it so that the text editor is properly indented according to the length of the output
2 files changed, 31 insertions, 13 deletions
diff --git a/src/Editor.elm b/src/Editor.elm
@@ -11,16 +11,32 @@ import SyntaxHighlight exposing (xml, toBlockHtml)
editor : Model -> Html Msg
editor model =
- div
- [ id "editor"
- , region
- , label "Text editor"
- ]
- [ div
- [ hidden True, translate model.editorScroll ]
- [ codeDisplay model ]
- , textarea model
- ]
+ let
+ -- Indent the editor according to the order of magnitude of the number of
+ -- lines in the input file
+ indent
+ = model.image
+ |> String.lines
+ |> List.length
+ |> toFloat
+ |> logBase 10
+ |> floor
+ |> (+) 1
+ |> max 1
+ |> String.fromInt
+ |> \s -> "--indent: " ++ s ++"em;"
+ in
+ div
+ [ id "editor"
+ , region
+ , label "Text editor"
+ , attribute "style" indent
+ ]
+ [ div
+ [ hidden True, translate model.editorScroll ]
+ [ codeDisplay model ]
+ , textarea model
+ ]
textarea : Model -> Html Msg
textarea model =