Custum build of stapix for tikz.pablopie.xyz
File Name | Size | Mode |
elliptic-curve-group-structure.tex | 1335B | -rw-r--r-- |
1 % This picture represents the group structure of the points of an elliptic 2 % curve 3 \begin{tikzpicture}[yscale=.7] 4 % The axis 5 \draw[->] (-3, 0) -- (3.5, 0); 6 \draw[->] ( 0, -3.2) -- ( 0, 3.2); 7 8 \clip(-3., -3.2) rectangle (3.5, 3.2); 9 10 % The curve 11 \draw[thick, smooth, samples=100, domain=-2.6712:0.5950] 12 plot(\x, {sqrt((\x)^(3)-5.9*(\x)+3.3)}); 13 \draw[thick, smooth, samples=100, domain=2.0762:3.5] 14 plot(\x, {sqrt((\x)^(3)-5.9*(\x)+3.3)}); 15 \draw[thick, smooth, samples=100, domain=-2.6712:0.5950] 16 plot(\x, {0-sqrt((\x)^(3)-5.9*(\x)+3.3)}); 17 \draw[thick, smooth, samples=100, domain=2.0762:3.5] 18 plot(\x, {0-sqrt((\x)^(3)-5.9*(\x)+3.3)}); 19 20 % The intersection lines 21 \draw[thick, color=violet] ( -3, 1.2218) -- ( 3.5, 2.5105); 22 \draw[thick, color=violet] (-2.5534, -3.2) -- (-2.5534, 3.2); 23 24 % The intersection points 25 \filldraw ( 0, 1.8165902124584950) circle (1.0pt); 26 \filldraw ( 2.5927223574355067, 2.3306137033629240) circle (1.0pt); 27 \filldraw (-2.5534168046838945, 1.3103592942448403) circle (1.0pt); 28 \filldraw (-2.5534168046838945, -1.3103592942526257) circle (1.0pt); 29 30 % The labels 31 \draw ( 0, 2.2346057845515620) node[right]{$P$}; 32 \draw ( 3, 2.6354835353265860) node {$Q$}; 33 \draw (-2, -1.0195783099751021) node {$P+Q$}; 34 \end{tikzpicture}