
An exercise on polyglossy: the same problem solved on multiple languages

Gark Garcia <37553739+GarkGarcia@users.noreply.github.com>

Merged Main.hs.


1 file changed, 95 insertions, 41 deletions

Status File Name N° Changes Insertions Deletions
Modified x86/PROGRAM.ASM 136 95 41
diff --git a/x86/PROGRAM.ASM b/x86/PROGRAM.ASM
@@ -3,8 +3,9 @@
 .stack 1000h
-        input      db 22 DUP(0)
+        input      db 8 DUP(0)
         invalid    db "' is not a natural number!", 0dh, 0ah, 0dh, 0ah, "$"
+        too_big    db " is too big!", 0dh, 0ah, 0dh, 0ah, "$"
         max        dw 0
         a          dw 0
@@ -13,9 +14,11 @@
         sumA       dw 0
         sumB       dw 0
+        sums_cache dw 25000 DUP(0)
         start_time dw 0
         end_time   dw 0
         proof      db 0dh, 0ah, "The conjecture is proved for all natural numbers smaller or equals to $"
         counter    db 0dh, 0ah, "The conjecture is disproved! Here's a counterexample: ($"
         loading    db 0dh, 0ah, "LOADING. . .$"
@@ -54,13 +57,14 @@ start:
         mov dx, offset loading
         int 21h
+        call cache_sums
         call iter
         ; Load the user input into the input
         mov ax, cs
         mov ds, ax
-        mov input[0], 20 ; Configure the input length
+        mov input[0], 6 ; Configure the input length
         mov dx, offset input
         mov ah, 0ah
         int 21h
@@ -101,6 +105,9 @@ read_loop:
         pop cx
         add ax, bx
+        cmp ax, 12500
+        ja short input_too_big
         ; Jump if the counter is still smaller than the input length
         cmp cl, input[1]
         jbe short read_loop
@@ -112,39 +119,83 @@ invalid_input:
         mov ah, 2h
         ; Print '\''
-        mov dx, 0ah
-        int 21
+        ;mov dx, 0ah
+        ;int 21
         mov dx, 27h
         int 21
         mov si, offset input
-        add si, 2
-        mov cx, 1
+        call print_buffer
-        mov dx, [si]
+        ; Print the rest of the message
+        mov ah, 9h
+        mov dx, offset invalid
         int 21h
-        inc cx
-        inc si
+        call quit
+        ret
-        cmp cl, input[1]
-        jbe short invalid_input_loop
+        mov si, offset input
+        call print_buffer
-        ; Print the rest of the message
         mov ah, 9h
-        mov dx, offset invalid
+        mov dx, offset too_big
         int 21h
         call quit
+        mov si, offset sums_cache
+        mov ax, max
+        mov bx, 2
+        mul bx
+        mov bx, ax
+        mov ax, 0
+        push bx
+        push ax
+        call sum_digits
+        mov [si], bx
+        pop ax
+        add si, 2
+        inc ax
+        pop bx
+        cmp ax, bx
+        jb short cache_sums_loop
+        ret
+; Prints the characters of a buffer referenced by si
+        mov bh, si[1]
+        add si, 2
+        mov ch, 0
+        mov ah, 2h
+        mov dl, [si]
+        int 21h
+        inc ch
+        inc si
+        cmp ch, bh
+        jb short print_buffer_loop
+        ret
 ; Iterate a from 0 to max
+        mov ax, a
         call test_num
-        inc a
+        inc ax
+        mov a, ax
         cmp ax, max
         jbe short iter
@@ -157,8 +208,6 @@ test_num:
         call test_pair
-        cmp dx, 0
-        jne disproved
         inc b
         mov ax, b
@@ -167,31 +216,39 @@ test_loop:
-        ; Calculate the a + b into cx
-        mov ax, a
-        add ax, b
-        call sum_digits ; Calculate S(a + b)
-        mov sumAB, bx
+        ; Calculate S(A + B) and store it in sumAB
+        mov si, offset sums_cache
+        add si, a
+        add si, b
+        mov ax, [si]
+        mov sumAB, ax
+        mov ax, si
+        ; Calculate S(A) and store it in sumA
+        mov si, offset sums_cache
+        add si, a
+        mov ax, [si]
+        mov sumA, ax
+        ; Calculate S(B) and store it in sumB
+        mov si, offset sums_cache
+        add si, b
+        mov ax, [si]
+        mov sumB, ax 
-        mov ax, a ; Store the value of a in ax
-        call sum_digits ; Calculate S(a) into bx
-        mov sumA, bx
-        mov ax, b ; Store the value of b in ax
-        call sum_digits ; Calculate S(b) into bx
-        mov sumB, bx
         ; Calculate S(a + b) - S(a) - S(b) in ax
         mov ax, sumAB
         sub ax, sumA
         sub ax, sumB
         mov cx, 9 ; Set the devident to 9
         mov dx, 0 ; Clear the register where the rest will be stored
         div cx
+        cmp dx, 0
+        jne disproved
@@ -229,14 +286,11 @@ proved:
-        push bx
-        push ax
         mov ah, 9h
         mov dx, offset counter
         int 21h
-        pop ax
+        mov ax, a
         call print_uint
         ; Print ', '
@@ -246,7 +300,7 @@ disproved:
         mov dx, ' '
         int 21h
-        pop ax
+        mov ax, b
         call print_uint
         ; Print ')\n'
@@ -316,14 +370,14 @@ get_time:
         ; Get system time
         mov ah, 2ch
         int 21h
         ; Add the minutes
         mov ax, 0
         mov al, ch
         mov bx, 6000
         mul bx
         mov [si], ax
         ; Add the seconds
         mov ax, 0
         mov al, dh