diff --git a/x86/PROGRAM.ASM b/x86/PROGRAM.ASM
@@ -9,7 +9,10 @@
max dw 0
a dw 0
b dw 0
+ sumsAB dw 0
+ sumsA dw 0
+ sumsB dw 0
proof db 0dh, 0ah, "The conjecture is proved for all natural numbers smaller or equals to $"
counter db 0dh, 0ah, "The conjecture is disproved! Here's a counterexample: ($"
@@ -89,7 +92,7 @@ read_loop:
cmp cl, buffer[1]
jbe short read_loop
- mov [max], ax
+ mov max, ax
@@ -128,56 +131,70 @@ invalid_input_end:
call test_num
- inc [a]
- mov ax, [a]
- cmp ax, [max]
+ inc a
+ cmp ax, max
jbe short iter
call proved
-; Iterate bx from 0 to ax
+ ; Iterate bx from a to max
- mov [b], 0
+ mov ax, a
+ mov b, ax
+ ;mov b, 0
call test_pair
cmp dx, 0
jne short disproved
- inc [b]
- mov ax, [b]
- cmp ax, [a]
+ inc b
+ mov ax, b
+ ;cmp ax, a
+ cmp ax, max
jbe short test_loop
; Calculate the a + b into cx
- mov ax, [a]
- add ax, [b]
- push ax ; Push a + b to the stack
- mov ax, [a]
+ mov ax, a
+ add ax, b
+ call sum_digits ; calculate S(a+b)
+ mov sumsAB, bx
+ ;push ax ; Push a + b to the stack
+ mov ax, a
call sum_digits ; Calculate S(a) into bx
+ mov sumsA, bx
- mov ax, [b] ; Store the value of b in ax
- push bx ; Push S(a) to the stack
+ mov ax, b ; Store the value of b in ax
+ ;push bx ; Push S(a) to the stack
call sum_digits ; Calculate S(b) into bx
- pop ax ; Store S(a) in ax
- add ax, bx ; Store S(a) + S(b) in ax
- pop bx ; Store a + b in bx
- push ax ; Push S(a) + S(b) to the stack
- mov ax, bx ; Store a + b in ax
- call sum_digits ; Calculate S(a + b) into bx
- pop ax ; Store S(a) + S(b) in ax
- sub bx, ax ; Calculate S(a + b) - (S(a) + S(b)) into bx
- mov ax, bx ; Store S(a + b) - (S(a) + S(b)) in ax
+ mov sumsB, bx
+ ;pop ax ; Store S(a) in ax
+ ;add ax, bx ; Store S(a) + S(b) in ax
+ ;pop bx ; Store a + b in bx
+ ;push ax ; Push S(a) + S(b) to the stack
+ ;mov ax, bx ; Store a + b in ax
+ ;call sum_digits ; Calculate S(a + b) into bx
+ ;pop ax ; Store S(a) + S(b) in ax
+ ; get diff in ax - calculate S(a+b) - S(a) - S(b)
+ mov ax, sumsAB
+ sub ax, sumsA
+ sub ax, sumsB
+ ; are you sure you want to add (S(a) + S(b)) ??
+ ;sub bx, ax ; Calculate S(a + b) - (S(a) + S(b)) into bx
+ ;mov ax, bx ; Store S(a + b) - (S(a) + S(b)) in ax
mov cx, 9 ; Set the devident to 9
mov dx, 0 ; Clear the register where the rest will be stored
div cx
@@ -275,7 +292,23 @@ print_uint_loop:
ja short print_uint_loop
+ ; print decimal value in ax, and a '.' to separate them.
+ ; for debug
+ push bx
+ push cx
+ push dx
+ push ax
+ call print_uint
+ mov dx, '.'
+ int 21h
+ pop ax
+ pop dx
+ pop cx
+ pop bx
+ ret
mov ax, 4c00h
int 21h
-end start-
\ No newline at end of file
+end start