An exercise on polyglossy: the same problem solved on multiple languages
An exercise on polyglossy: the same problem solved on multiple languages
Repositório dos arquivos usados na apresentação "Introdução a Assembly" da CriptoGoma de 2020 🖥️
Haskell bindings for the SoftPosit C library 🧮 (WIP)
View the individual entries of an ICO file in sxiv ⏺️
A simple SVG markup editor for the web
My personal build of CMark ✏️
My personal LaTeX setup 🦁️⚙️
The setup for tikz.escobar.life
An archive of some of my photos 📸
A simple configuration manager
A simple Idris library for manipulating matrices 🧙
A small utility to converts ZIP archives to MS-DOS compatible disk images (virtual floppies) 💾️
My personal build of stagit 😸️
The repository for the code used for generating the photos.pablopie.xyz website 📸️
A collection of TikZ drawings and other images 🖌️
Riemannian Geometry course project on the manifold H¹(I, M) of class H¹ curves on a Riemannian manifold M and its applications to the geodesics problem
Track corona-virus cases from the fish-shell 😷️
My personal dotfiles 💠️
Solututions to the Natural Number Game
A OCaml module for manipulating unlimited register machines
A fun little ROM hack of mine 💣️