diff --git a/sections/structure.tex b/sections/structure.tex
@@ -59,11 +59,12 @@ approximating the curve
\gamma : I & \to \RR^2 \\
t & \mapsto (t, 1 - t)
-with ``step curves'' \(\gamma_n : I \to \RR^n\) for larger and larger values of
-\(n\), as shown in figure~\ref{fig:step-curves}.
+with ``staircase curves'' \(\gamma_n : I \to \RR^n\) for larger and larger
+values of \(n\), as shown in figure~\ref{fig:step-curves}: clearly \(\gamma_n
+\to \gamma\) in the uniform topology, but \(\ell(\gamma_n) = 2\) does not
+approach \(\ell(\gamma) = \sqrt 2\) as \(n\) approachs \(\infty\).
-% TODO: Add a figure and a caption explaining why length is discontinuous
\draw (4, 1) -- (1, 4);
@@ -81,7 +82,8 @@ with ``step curves'' \(\gamma_n : I \to \RR^n\) for larger and larger values of
\node[above] at (1.5, 4.3) {$\sfrac{1}{n}$};
\caption{A diagonal line representing the curve \(\gamma\) overlaps a
- staircase-like curve \(\gamma_n\), whose steps measure \(\sfrac{1}{n}\).}
+ staircase-like curve \(\gamma_n\), whose steps measure \(\sfrac{1}{n}\) in
+ width and height.}
The issue with this particular example is that while \(\gamma_n \to \gamma\)