
Custum build of stapix for tikz.pablopie.xyz

Pablo <pablo-escobar@riseup.net>

Revised and refined text alternatives and captions


1 file changed, 49 insertions, 53 deletions

Status File Name N° Changes Insertions Deletions
Modified examples/config.yml 102 49 53
diff --git a/examples/config.yml b/examples/config.yml
@@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
-# TODOO: Reorder the content to group images by theme
-# TODOO: Revise all text alternatives and captions
 # TODOO: Make text alternatives concise
 # Algebraic Geometry ##########################################################
@@ -37,7 +35,7 @@
   license: proprietary
   author: Eugene Jahnke & Fritz Emde
   source: https://archive.org/details/tablesoffunction00jahn/mode/2up
-  alt: Relief representation of a function of two variables
+  alt: Relief representation of a function of one complex variable
   caption: Relief representation of the j-invariant modular function from the
     book “Tables of Functions with Formulae and Curves”
@@ -57,6 +55,7 @@
   source: https://irandrus.wordpress.com/2012/06/17/the-periodic-table-of-finite-simple-groups/
   alt: A diagram of the classification of finite simple groups in the
     format of a periodic table
+  caption: Periodic table of finite simple groups
 - path: ./images/sporadic-groups.svg
   license: CC-BY-SA-3
@@ -65,23 +64,24 @@
   alt: Graph representation of the subquotients of Sporadic groups
   caption: "All the Sporadic groups and their subquotient relationships: an
     edge from a group G on the top to a group H on the bottom means H is a
-    subquotient of G. Mathieu groups are collored red, Leech lattice groups are
-    colored green, other subquotients of the Monster are collored blue and the
-    rest of the groups are collored white."
+    subquotient of G. Mathieu groups are colored red, Leech lattice groups are
+    colored green, other subquotients of the Monster are colored blue and the
+    rest of the groups are colored white."
 - path: ./images/monster-group-character-table.svg
   license: CC-BY-4
   author: Pablo
   author-url: https://pablopie.xyz
-  alt: An increadibly big table of numbers
-  caption: The chacter table of the Monster simple group in characteristic zero
+  alt: An incredibly big table of numbers
+  caption: The character table of the Monster simple group in characteristic
+    zero
 - path: ./images/dihedral-representation.tex
   license: CC-BY-4
   author: Pablo
   author-url: https://pablopie.xyz
   alt: Two axis labeled "x" and "y" span a plane with a triangle on its center.
-    A curve arrow labeled "sigma" represents the action of rotating the
+    A curved arrow labeled "sigma" represents the action of rotating the
     triangle by 60°, while an horizontal two-headed arrow labeled "tau"
     represents reflecting it through the "y" axis.
   caption: The action of the Dihedral group in the Cartesian plane
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@
   alt: Two axis labeled "x" and "y" span the Cartesian plane. A curvy arrow
     labeled "sigma" joins a point "v" and a point labeled "sigma times v".
   caption: "An illustration of the proof that the natural representation of the
-    Dihidral group is irreducible: the rotational generator of the Dihidral
+    Dihedral group is irreducible: the rotational generator of the Dihedral
     group rotates any vector v by 60° and hence cannot preserve a line
     through the origin"
@@ -102,8 +102,9 @@
   author: Pablo
   author-url: https://pablopie.xyz
   alt: The contours of two order-theoretic lattices lie side by side. The
-    lattices are organized in stages, marked by different labels. At each stage
-    the two lattices are connected by a thing dotted horizontal line.
+    lattices are organized in stages, with points marked by different labels.
+    At each stage the two lattices are connected by a thin dotted horizontal
+    line.
   caption: The lattice anti-isomorphism between the lattice of the subgroups of
     the Galois group of an extension K/k and the lattice of intermediary
     subfields of K
@@ -116,7 +117,7 @@
   author-url: https://pablopie.xyz
   alt: Two small regions U and V in a surface M are highlighted, as well as
     their intersection. On the bottom, a map labeled "φ_V ∘ φ_U⁻¹" indicates
-    the transition of charts.
+    the transition of charts around these neighborhoods.
   caption: Transition of charts in a manifold M
 # TODO: Not sure I'm happy with this caption
@@ -173,7 +174,7 @@
   license: CC-BY-4
   author: Pablo
   author-url: https://pablopie.xyz
-  alt: A downwords spiral with a circle on its bottom and an arrow labelled "π"
+  alt: A downwards spiral with a circle on its bottom and an arrow labeled "π"
     pointing from the spiral to the circle
   caption: "The universal covering of the circle: we can picture winding the
     real line around the circle by identifying it with an infinite vertical
@@ -183,7 +184,7 @@
   license: CC-BY-4
   author: Pablo
   author-url: https://pablopie.xyz
-  alt: A circle with two highlighted points labelled "i" and "1"
+  alt: A circle with two highlighted points labeled "i" and "1"
   caption: The unit complex circle
 - path: ./images/mobius.tex
@@ -203,7 +204,7 @@
   license: CC-BY-4
   author: Pablo
   author-url: https://pablopie.xyz
-  alt: A circle with an arc highleghted on its interior
+  alt: A circle with an arc highlighted on its interior
   caption: The Poincaré disc model of the hyperbolic plane
 - path: ./images/caleb-yau.png
@@ -228,32 +229,33 @@
     pole to a point close to the equator. The violet curve runs across a
     meridian, passing through the south pole along the way. On the left, a
     circle highlights a small region around a point on the violet curve. In the
-    circle we can see a violet straight line representing the correspoding arc
+    circle we can see a violet straight line representing the corresponding arc
     of the violet curve and a winding dotted path joining its endpoints.
   caption: "This picture represents the fact that geodesics locally minimize
-  distances: eventhough the violet great circle does not globally minimize the
+  distances: even though the violet great circle does not globally minimize the
   distance between the marked points in the sphere, at each point in the
-  violet curve we can find a small neightborhood such that the purple arc in
-  this neightborhood minimizes the distance between the correspoing endpoints"
+  violet curve we can find a small neighborhood such that the purple arc in
+  this neighborhood minimizes the distance between the corresponding endpoints"
 - path: ./images/sphere-metric-comparison.tex
   license: CC-BY-4
   author: Pablo
   author-url: https://pablopie.xyz
-  alt: "A sphere is marked by two points and two curves connecting them: a
-    great circle and a straigh line passing through the interior of the sphere"
-  caption: "This picture is a comparison between the Euclidean metric and the
-    Riemannian metric of the 2-sphere: in 3-space the shortest distance between
-    the north pole and the point close to the equator is realized by the
-    straight line connecting them, but in the 2-sphere their distance is
-    realized by a great circle instead"
+  alt: "A sphere with two points highlighted and two curves connecting them: a
+    great circle and a straight line passing through the interior of the
+    sphere"
+  caption: "This picture is a comparison between the Euclidean metric in the
+    2-sphere and its induced Riemannian metric: in 3-space the shortest
+    distance between the north pole and the point close to the equator is
+    realized by the straight line connecting them, but in the 2-sphere their
+    distance is realized by a great circle instead"
 - path: ./images/quaternion-rotation.tex
   license: CC-BY-4
   author: Pablo
   author-url: https://pablopie.xyz
-  alt: A sphere with a rotation axis marked as "p". A curly arrow donotes
-    rotation by 2θ.
+  alt: A sphere with a rotation axis marked as "p". A curly arrow denotes
+    rotation by 2θ around "p".
   caption: "This drawing represents the correspondence between conjugation by
     pure unitary quaternions and rotations in the 3-space: the coordinates of a
     unitary quaternion number p with zero real coefficient define a line
@@ -264,8 +266,8 @@
   license: CC-BY-4
   author: Pablo
   author-url: https://pablopie.xyz
-  alt: A circle and a square. A dotted ray connects the center of the square to
-    a point in the circle, passing through a point in the perimeter of the
+  alt: A circumscribed square. A dotted ray connects the center of the square
+    to a point in the circle, passing through a point in the perimeter of the
   caption: "The projection from the square to the circle: we map a point in
     the square of length √2/2 onto the unit circle by normalizing it"
@@ -275,7 +277,7 @@
   author: Pablo
   author-url: https://pablopie.xyz
   alt: A sphere sits on top of plane, with a line connecting the north pole to
-    the a point on the plane, passing thought another point in the sphere
+    a point on the plane
   caption: "The stereographic projection: for each point P in the sphere we
     cast a ray from the north pole, identifying P with the point of
     intersection of this ray and the plane just bellow the sphere"
@@ -285,22 +287,21 @@
   author: Pablo
   author-url: https://pablopie.xyz
   alt: The upper cap of a sphere sits just bellow a plane, with a line
-    connecting the center of the half-sphere to the a point on the plane,
-    passing thought another point in the sphere
+    connecting the center of the semi-sphere to a point on the plane
   caption: "A graphical depiction of the central projection between the
     upper semi-sphere and the Euclidean plane: we map each point in the upper
     half of the sphere to the projection of this point in the tangent plane at
     the north pole by drawing a line between this point and the center of the
-    sphere and then taking the intersection of such line with the plane."
+    sphere and then taking the intersection of such line with the plane"
 - path: ./images/rigid-motion-reflections.tex
   license: CC-BY-4
   author: Pablo
   author-url: https://pablopie.xyz
-  alt: Two squares with complex patterns in their interiors are placed side by
-    side, with a squily arrow pointing from the first square to the second
-    square. The pattern on the second square is a reflection of that on the
-    first square.
+  alt: Two squares with complex patterns drawn in their interiors are placed
+    side by side, with a squiggly arrow pointing from the first square to the
+    second square. The pattern on the second square is a reflection of that on
+    the first square.
   caption: Reflection on the y-axis
 - path: ./images/rigid-motion-rotation.tex
@@ -322,7 +323,7 @@
   caption: Log of the number of distinct topologies (counting homeomorphic
     topologies) one can endow a finite set
-# Numbers & Venn digrams ######################################################
+# Numbers & Venn diagrams #####################################################
 - path: ./images/standard-sets-venn.tex
   license: CC-BY-4
@@ -336,22 +337,17 @@
   license: CC-BY-4
   author: Pablo
   author-url: https://pablopie.xyz
-  alt: Two circles, the first representing the real numbers and the second
-    representing the ordinal numbers, intersect in the middle of picture. Their
-    intersection is labeled as the set of natural numbers. A rectangle labeled
-    as the set of surreal numbers surrounds both circles.
-  caption: Venn diagram representation of the relationship between the real,
-    natural and surreal numbers (denoted by "No")
+  alt: Venn diagram representation of the containment relations between the
+    real, natural and surreal numbers
+  caption: The set of surreal numbers is denoted by “No”
 - path: ./images/complex-surreal-venn.tex
   license: CC-BY-4
   author: Pablo
   author-url: https://pablopie.xyz
-  alt: Two circles, the first representing the complex numbers and the second
-    representing the surreal numbers, intersect in the middle of picture. Their
-    intersection is labeled as the set of real numbers.
-  caption: A Venn diagram representation of the relationship between the real,
-    complex and surreal numbers (denoted by "No")
+  alt: Venn diagram representation of the containment relations between the
+    real, complex and surreal numbers
+  caption: The set of surreal numbers is denoted by “No”
 - path: ./images/natural-number-line.tex
   license: CC-BY-4
@@ -371,13 +367,13 @@
   author-url: https://pablopie.xyz
   alt: "The ordinal number line: the natural numbers accumulate around ω,
     followed by ω-translates of the natural numbers and so on"
-  caption: The ordinal number line
+  caption: The ordinal number line, denoted by “ON”
 # TODO: Get the TikZ code for this somehow?
 - path: ./images/surreal-number-tree.svg
   license: CC-BY-SA-3
   author: Lukáš Lánský
   source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Surreal_number_tree.svg
-  alt: "A complex tree with vertices organized by stages and labelled by
+  alt: "A complex tree with vertices organized by stages and labeled by
     different real and natural numbers"
   caption: Visualization of the surreal number tree