
An exercise on polyglossy: the same problem solved on multiple languages

Pablo Escobar Gaviria <gark.garcia@protonmail.com>

Started writing a Racket implementation.


4 files changed, 25 insertions, 7 deletions

Status File Name N° Changes Insertions Deletions
Modified .gitignore 1 0 1
Modified Elixir/main.ex 4 3 1
Modified Haskell/Main.hs 11 6 5
Added script.rkt 16 16 0
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
@@ -10,6 +10,5 @@ build
diff --git a/Elixir/main.ex b/Elixir/main.ex
@@ -12,7 +12,9 @@ defmodule Conjecture do
       :ets.new(:sums_cache, [:set, :public, :named_table])
       # Spawn a new process for each starting index from 0 to `max`
-      f = fn i -> spawn fn -> counterexpl i, max, n_processes, parent_id end end
+      f = fn i -> 
+            spawn fn -> counterexpl i, max, n_processes, parent_id end
+        end
       Enum.map 0..(n_processes - 1), f
       listen n_processes
diff --git a/Haskell/Main.hs b/Haskell/Main.hs
@@ -26,10 +26,11 @@ main = do
           head' xs = Just (head xs)
 -- Calculates the sum of the digits of `n`.
-sum' :: Int -> Int
-sum' n
-     | n < 10 = n
-     | otherwise = (n `mod` 10) + sum' (n `div` 10)
+sumDigits :: Int -> Int
+sumDigits = sumDigitsTail 0
+    where sumDigitsTail acc n
+              | n == 0 = acc
+              | otherwise = sumDigitsTail (acc + (n `mod` 10)) (n `div` 10)
 -- Returns `Just updated` if the if the conjecture holds for pair, where
 -- `updated` is an updated versions of the sums cache provided by `sums`.
@@ -47,7 +48,7 @@ test' sums (a, b) = diff `mod` 9 == 0
 counterexempl :: Int -> Bool
 counterexempl max =
     all (test' sums) [(a, b) | a <- [0..max], b <- [a..max]]
-    where sums = generate (2 * max + 1) sum'
+    where sums = generate (2 * max + 1) sumDigits
 exitInvalidInput :: IO Int
 exitInvalidInput = exitWith $ ExitFailure 2
diff --git a/script.rkt b/script.rkt
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+(define (counterexempl max)
+    (foldl (lambda (acc a) (and acc (iter a))) (in-range max)))
+(define (iter a)
+    (foldl (lambda (acc b) (and acc (test a b))) (in-range a)))
+(define (test a b)
+    (zero? (mod (- (sum-digits (+ a b)) (sum-digits a) (sum-digits b)) 9)))
+(define (sum-digits n) (sum-digits-tail n 0))
+(define (sum-digits-tail n acc)
+    (if (zero? n)
+        acc
+        (sum-digits-tail (div n 10) (+ acc (mod n 10)))))