Source code for my notes on representations of semisimple Lie algebras and Olivier Mathieu's classification of simple weight modules
Added the classification of coherent sl(2)-families as an example
Changed the spacing of the diagrams on the connected components of 𝓑
Changed the notation for the set of parameters for coherent families
Revised the comments on regular and integral sl(n)-sequences
Changed the notation for the elements of the defining basis of Δ for sl(3)
Added a file for the chapter on the classification of coherent families
Corrected the remarks on Verma modules of antidominant weights
First draft of an implementation of colored/boxed theorem environments
Fixed the name of the standard resolution of the trivial module
Added some qualifiers to the statement about the Lie functor for algebraic groups
Added further comments on the proof of the Highest Weight Theorem
Added some further comments on the Chevalley-Eilenberg resolution
Switched the notation for modules/representations in the third chapter
Switched the notation for modules/representations in the second chapter
Clarified the ortogonality relations in the weight diagrams of sl3
Added a reference to the non-fullyness of the Lie functor for algebraic groups
Replaced the standard LaTeX font with the Palladio font family
Made it so that the pages beforen the start of the first chapter are not numbered
Incorporated hidden statements into the statement of a theorem
Added notes on how coherent families are useful in other problems
Added the direct sum of Lie algebras to the list of examples
Added the box product of representations to the list of examples
Added the definition of the subrepresentation generated by an element
Added notes on the "uniqueness" part of the highest weight theorem
Reordered the contents of the chapter on the general finite-dimensional setting
Modified the proof of the dominant integral weight theorem for sl2
Incorporated the section on sl3 in the introduction of the chapter on sl3
Moved the discussion on representations of arbitrary semisimple algebras to a separate chapter
Tied up the conclusion of the chapter on complete reducibility
Added notes on the proof of Cartan's criterium for semisimplicity
Added the center of a Lie algebra to the list of examples of Abelian algebras
Added the regular module to the list of examples of representations
Added the Lie algebra of an algebraic group to the list of examples
Added the adjoint representation to the list of examples of representations
Moved the discussion on representations to after the basic results/definitions of Lie algebras
Clarified the meaning of "Zariski topology" in the second chapter
Added comments on the lack of functoriality of some of the constructions in the last chapter
Added comments on the fact that some automorphisms factor trought some maps
Hydrated the section on the twisted localization construction
Finished hydrating the section on the basics of coherent families and coherent extensions
Changed the notation for irreducible/simple objects in the category of coherent faimlies
Wrote the section on the motivation behind coherent families
Tied up the example of a representation which is not a weight module
Formulated the theorem on the semisimplification of a cohenrent family in more abstract terms
Replaced the term semisimple for the term completely reducible
Fixed a minor error in the definition of a coherent extension
Added a proof of the fact that the localization of an admissible module is well behaved
Moved the discussion on the existence of a coherent extension to a separate theorem
Added references to the discussion on Lie algebra cohomology on "Symplectic techniques in physics"
Added lemmas necessary to prove the existance of Mathieu's Ext extension
Moved the theorem on the existence of good coherent extensions to the end of the text
Added further clarifications to the proof that V fits nicely inside Ext(V)
Fixed the proof that cuspidal modules fit nicely inside their Exts
Fixed the definition of the semisimplification of a coherent family
Added a description of the weight spaces of a subrepresentation of a weight module
Added a proof of the fact that quotients of weight modules are weight modules
Added the definition of the semisimplification of a coherent family
Added proper references to the chapter on Mathieu's work to the chapter on semisimple Lie algebras
Fixed the comment on the canonical acyclic resolution of the trivial representation
Added information on how to compile the document to the README
Adicionado comentário sobre o fato de que nem todo módulo de dimensão infinita é módulo de peso
Terminei de trabalhar na prova do teorema do peso integral dominante
Corrigido o comentário sobre a prova de redutibilidade completa do Weyl
Comecei a trabalhar na prova do teorema do peso integral dominante
Ajustados comentários iniciais sobre a prova do teorema do peso integral dominante
Corrigida a prova de que todo módulo de dimensão finita é módulo de peso
Concertados diversos probleminhas ao longo do primeiro capítulo
Concertados mais alguns errinhos gramaticais e frases estranhas
Terminada (em larga medida) a seção sobre a prova de redutibilidade completa
Adicionada uma definição mais precisa da subálgebra de Cartan
Comecei a trabalhar na introdução do capítulo sobre álgebras semisimples
Alterada a notação para a forma de Killing, de modo a evitar conflitos com a notação do corpo base
Limpadas mais algumas patologias geometricas e adicionados TODOs
Limpadas algumas das patologias geometricas das quais padecia esse capítulo
Removidas images no formato PDF do arquivo ZIP do código fonte